21 min read
MARCH 22: SAVED TO SAVE AND SERVE OTHERS.(Part 3).                Study 10

Saved to Save and Serve Others

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Part 3               Study 10

TEXT: Mark 14:1-9. 

MEMORY VERSE: And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:2-3

"He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap." Says Solomon in “Ecclesiastes 11:4”. In our text in the book of Mark above, two contrasting episodes are revealed. “The Priests and the Scribes that were preoccupied and scheming on how to destroy Jesus! While the woman with alabaster box of precious oil, was working hard to offer Christ her best, with a deal of bountiful and memorable services that according to Christ would remain unforgettable legacy!” “Mark 14:9”. Everyday presents you with opportunity to present Christ with your best, not minding what others choose to be preoccupied with. You will only be remembered by what you have done for Christ and His Church.

GOING EXTRA MILE IN SERVING CHRIST AND OTHERS! Mark 14: 3-9.                                                             What the woman in the above story offered to Christ was a surprise to some disciples in two ways:                                                                                                                                                                 i. It was alarming and precious in worth.                                                                                                                        ii. It was extravagant, the manner at which the oil was poured on Christ! While we recognize that we are not gifted and endowed sameway, still, God expects that our love and services to Christ and His body(the Church), must be quality in worth and in the manner at which it is being offered!

1. Christ is the highest Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on Earth, and the Church is the highest organization on Earth, with highest or best standard of etiquettes and reward structure! It is a great pride to belong to the organization, and a great privilege to be appointed to serve in it! Nothing but our best is fit and acceptable to Christ. Half-hearted commitment and service to God will be lost to fire in the end! “1Corinthian 3:13-15”.

2. Every true believer has "the alabaster box of precious oil" in the package of grace and gifting’s received from God. This is what Christ called "the salt and the light" “Matthew 5:13-16”. Unfortunately, many place their light under the bushel, or mixed the salt with sand! This is due to:

i. Spiritual blindness as in the case of some of Christ disciples in “Mark 14:4-6”.                                                     ii. Carelessness, lack of fire and right motivation.                                                                                                       iii. Discouragement by so many factors that a Christian may choose to allow. 

3. When you decide to do more by going extra mile for Christ and on soul winning, the lukewarm people around you may not really understand or applaud your zeal, passion and hotness for God! Others can choose to castigate, lazy about, gossip or mis-read your motive!  Refuse to allow your fire to burnout. “Philippians 3:10-19”. Consecrate like Elisha to go extra mile, at the end,  our determination to obey God and please Him only will be rewarded with greater anointing, fruitfulness and power from above.”2King 2:1-15”.

4. No sacrifice in love is too costly to give liberally to the honour and services of God. The woman with alabaster box of precious oil pouredit on Christ without reservation! In winning souls, discipleship and services in the body of Christ let us learn to give our very best to God in whatever He gives us privilege to do. Sow bountifully; you will have greater impact to reap bumper and rewarding harvest.

5. Profitable stewardship demands a great sense of responsibility. In Matthew 25:14-30, we have the story of faithful and unfaithful stewards. The faithful stewards laboured extraordinarily to double their given talents! Why?

i. They appreciated the master's kindness and privileges given them.

ii. They have good mindset and took responsibility as one that will give good report.

iii. They gave whatever it takes to perform and make profit!

  On the other hand, the unprofitable steward has:

i. Wrong mindset about the good master.

ii. He chose excuses, prejudice and irresponsible stances as against wisdom for excellence and performance.

  Note: "No excuse for failure will be acceptable before God."

6. Good preparation, trainings and practical active services will recommend you for bigger appointment for greater use. In Mark 14:13-17, here we have the story of the good man who had prepared his upper room for Jesus last supper. What triggered Christ to choose the man?                                                                                i. His good life.                                                                                                                                                                     ii. His ready and prepared upper room (In this wise your heart).                                                                              iii. His accessible and available resources.

  For God to go extra mile to use and bless you, the above three elements mentioned, must be in your life.

7. Lastly, God will affirm, honour and reward your good services to Christ and His body(the Church).To the woman, Jesus said: "She hath done what she could: she  come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying. Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her."  “Mark 14:8-9” What will you too, be remembered for? You can decide, pray and work earnestly today to go extra mile in serving God and your generation. May His grace be sufficient for you! Amen.

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