3 min read


AUGUST 20, 2019


Gen. 12:1-2, 10-20, Exodus 1:8-14, Job 17:1-,I Peter 4:12-16

Times and seasons of life are variable. Genesis 8:22. The sowing times come with pains and weeping! While the harvest time comes with joy and abundance. Psalm 126:5,6. Night and day were created on purpose, yet for someone to have preference for permanent night of darkness all the days would be totally abnormal. The heart must yearn for a glorious dawn while the night is on course. God’s will for all His children is peace, righteousness with fulfilling prosperous living (Romans 14:17, Psalm 35:27). Yet He sometimes permits times of trials and adversity to instruct and teach wisdom. While Satan advances adversities to destroy (Job. 1:9-11, John 10:10), God turns trial to triumphs and adversities to prosperity (I Chronicles 4:10).


Judges 6:1-6, Psalm 105:16-20, Romans 8:35-39

Adversities are unfavourable or troublous conditions when the trend of things and situation run against one’s interest, welfare and expectations. Genesis 42:35, 36.

At such a time your faith, God’s faithfulness and the validity of God’s words may be called into question! Genesis 15:1-3. As a child of God you need to understand that God sees beyond the current situation and has a provision ahead that will swallow up the problem or situation. God will always provide a way of escape for you. Psalm 23:4-6. 1 Corinthians 10:12-13.

Adversities can come in different modes and shapes: Lets us examine few of such biblically:

  1. Fear, trouble and suffering due to poverty and lack of daily or financial supplies (2 King 6:25-31; Judges 6:6).

  2. Fruitless effort in specific areas of concern e.g. child bearing (1 Samuel 1:5-6), enemy oppression (Judges 6:3-5), failed opportunities, Luke 15:14-16, hindrances due to Satanic strongholds and principalities (Daniel 10:12-14) etc

  3. Sickness and infirmities (Job 2:7-13, 3:24-26). Especially such that is life threatening and protracted, it can weary the soul and challenge the faith in a disdain manner (Isaiah. 38:1-3).

  4. Loneliness and frustration due to: Delayed marriage, delayed academic breakthrough, persecution, delayed or lost employment etc. Psalm 142:4. Proverbs 19:7.

  5. Failed expectations: Psalm 42:10-11; Genesis 40:14-15, 23. Failed business, failed relationship and failed promises are common experiences that can weighed heavily upon a child of God.

  6. Life billows of misfortunes, problems and trials. Daniel 6:12-17, can meant serious adversity to a child of God.

  7. Trial of faith! I Peter 4:12-16. This is the most welcome of all adversities. Joseph, Job and Jesus all partook of this. The end is always glorious when borne with patience James 1:2-4.

    CAUSES OF ADVERSITIES (Proverb 26:2)

    The causes of adversities can be direct or indirect in relation to the individuals experiencing it. Exodus 20:5. Hosea 9:9. Few among the causes of adversities and suffering apart from persecution and trial of faith are:

  1. Sin and disobedience to God’s word in principle and practices (Deuteronomy 27:11-26). Failure to keep God’s word will open door for adversity and suffering.

  2. Indulgence, procrastination and laziness (Proverbs 6:6-11)

  3. Backsliding after knowing, living the truth in holiness (Proverb 14:14 Jeremiah 2:19). It is dangerous to depart from God.

  4. It can be the result of evil seed sown in the past Galatians 6:7. Hosea 10:12-15

  5. Pride and arrogance especially when any man attempts to share God’s glory with Him. Daniel 4:30-37

  6. Carelessness in handling rare opportunities (Hebrew 12:15-17)

  7. Ignorance and prayerlessness (1 Chronicles 4:10). Jabez situation could have persisted for ever, if he had accepted his adversity as God’s will and refused to pray about it! God does not destine any of His children for backwardness. His pronunciation upon man in the beginning of creation is still valid today for the redeemed! Genesis 1:28.

  8. Natural occurrence that is meant to be overcome with faith, hardwork and prayer. Genesis 26:1-6, 12-13. Amen.

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