CCBC MISSIONS (formerly LCMi MISSION TEAM) was formed in 2003 when Labourers for Christ Ministry Intl (now
Christ Companion Bible Outreach Worldwide, CCBOW) was established with Pastor Olusegun Tubi as the General
Superintendent. CCBC MISSIONS as an arm of CCBOW is also known as Christ Companion World Missions in the
constitution of the CCBOW. CCBC MISSIONS has embarked in several missionary outreaches including Ogidi Mission
in Kogi State. This arm of CCBOW is saddled with responsibility to expand the church branches worldwide.

CCBC MISSIONS is established for God's kingdom expansion through Christ Companion Bible Outreach Worldwide.

1. Recruit Mission-minded workers from all branches during Workers Retreat.
2. Have Monthly Training to be anchored by Pastors in the Ministry
3. Have Yearly Projected Outreaches to Launch, Through medical outreaches, humanitarian
services, etc.
4. Major drive of the CCBC for Church Planting...in Nigeria and Beyond.
5. Form Evangelical Team to assist branches’ crusades.
6. Form Sub-Team for tracts writing and publication
7. Procure Mission materials and equipment for effective outreaches...to villages, schools, etc

Project Outline
1. Crusades Organization
2. Church planting and inauguration
3. Support for missionaries
4. Support for new churches and Support for the needy in the new branches
5. Purchase of Mission/Crusade Equipment & Vehicle

1. CCBOW Accounts (Branches & Central)
4. VOLUNTARY DONATIONS (personal & Corporate)