Quotes from Daily Companion, CCBC Sermonss and Teachings


Daily Companion (1 August)


Pride is an attitude that elevates our efforts or abilities above God’s

Be Wise When You Are Weak

See That You Are Not Troubled

Daily Companion (11 April)


Not getting worried does not mean you are not concerned, care less or hard-hearted. It rather means you are strong hearted and have peace of Christ inside you.

Be Not Troubled

Evil Consesquences of Bottling Up Grudges"

Daily Companion (9 March)


"The evil consequences of not reconciling quickly with those who offend us are resentments...a form of hypocrisy that made its victims live in deniaL. Those who bottle up grudges are under oppression and bondage of RESENTMENTS."

Let Go

Devil's Toy

Daily Companion (10 March)


A life without Christ is a devil’s toy.

Have Christ here

Sympathizers and Undue advantage

Daily Companion (1 August)


Beware of sympathizers in your weak moments.

Be Wise

Don’t abandon your old friends

Daily Companion (1 August)


Don’t abandon your old friends because a stranger appears to care more, he may be planning your doom.

Be Wise

The Flesh must bow to the Spirit

Daily Companion (2 August)


In the matter of the spirit or of the physical, the cooperation of the flesh is indeed vital to succeed.

The Flesh is Weak