13 min read
Christian & Prosperity


Isaiah 5:1-3, Galatians 3:13-14, Genesis 1:28, 3 John 1-4

There is great wisdom and lessons in the word of Christ when He said: “The thief cometh not, but to steal, to kill and to destroy: I am come, that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”.  John 10:10. Poverty and adversity are parts of devils instruments to steal human means of livelihood, comfort and joy!  Hunger and want in the world today, kill more than wars, and the destinies of many are destroyed by these including its many by-products. 

It is very consistent with Bible to assume and rationalize poverty, lack and down trendiness as a mark of holiness and godliness. But the lives of Abraham, Joseph and Job attested to the fact that a righteous man shouldn’t be dominated by poverty for too long and that God best option for His people is abundant supply of good things of life.  Psalm 23:1-6, Job 42:12, Deuteronomy 28:1-14.



Philippians 4:19, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Genesis 39:3-5, Job 36:11 Proverb 17:8

In the true and scriptural sense: prosperity is having God’s presenceand God’s provision to meet every needAnd His preservation upon your life on earth, coupled with heavenly treasures that can never fades away! (Deuteronomy 28:12, Mathew 6:19-21, Psalm 23:1). Godly prosperitymeans God’s hand on your spirit, body and undertakings (Nehemiah 2:8-18). True prosperity comes from God and by the application of godly principles (Genesis 26:3, 12-13).  It is important to note that man was made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26).  God prospers in whatever He chooses to do because He doesn’t fail!  Luke 1:37.

Prosperity therefore is part of God’s kingdom package for those who truly believe, know God and seek benefits of His kingdom, every other good things of life necessity shall be added.  Mathew 6:31-33.



Genesis. 1:27-28, 27:29, Psalm 33:12, Malachi 3:12, Psalm 35:27

God is great, wonderful and glorious!  There is nothing that showcases God’s glory in poverty and wretchedness, except when God handles it and surprisingly transforms it to fortune!  Psalm 126:1-3.  The association with this great, good and gracious God is the root cause and basis of the prosperity of a child of God.  Isaiah 43:7.  Let us consider the following:

1. God wants all to know that true, complete and lasting blessings with peace and righteousness come from Him.  His anointing and holiness attract favours and fortunes (Hebrews 1:9 Proverb 8:35, Acts 7:9,10).
2. Prosperity of the saints frustrates and rubbishes Satan old games of lies and deceit that lure men into diabolical alternatives in looking for power, fortune and securities (Genesis 3:1-7, Daniel. 6:25-28).
3. Christian Prosperity enables the saints to love and serve God with undistracted focus.  They are on top of life challenges as they are winning and reigning in every area of lifeFinancial - Philippians 4:19family (Psalm 128:1-6), health (Psalm 103:5), Life necessities(2 Corinthians 9:8) and dominion in all areas (Ephesians 1:18-23).
4. It attests to the righteousness and faithfulness of God regarding His purpose at creation and promises to mankind (Genesis 1:28, Isaiah 43-7).
5. God’s work is promoted as gospel needs are met without hindrances(Mathew 27:57-60, Acts 4:34).  To put tracts and bible on every hand in the world today requires huge financing.  God needs are not in the hands of infidels.  He wants to place His resources in the hands of His saints (Deuteronomy 8:18-19).
6. The prosperity of the righteous appeals to the conscience of unbelievers to take heed and turn from the errors of their ways(Genesis 26:26-30, Proverb 16:7).
7. It gives God great pleasure when the saints prosper.  It is the fulfilment of God’s original intention at creation(Psalm 35:27).

In the world of uncertainties, a child of God may at times go through hard time and trials.  Yet by trusting God, understanding and maintaining godly principles, he must hope, plan and work to experience God blessings and abundance like Joseph and Ruth.



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