3 min read

The Process of Godly Wealth Creation 

Texts:  Genesis 26:1-6,12-14;  30:25-35; Matthew 25:14-30. 

Memory Verse: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:20  

True wealth and riches come from God. This was evident in the life of Abraham, Job and Solomon, to mention few. Today, it is equally possible as a child of God to have and live in abundance through active faith, wisdom and diligence. In this study we shall consider some practical steps to a life of abundance, achievable as a child of God. 

1. Thoughtful and godly desire with determination to realise God promise of financial freedom and abundance is primary to wealth creation and possession. Ephesians 3:19,20. Jacob saw the need for wealth and abundance as against the peanut that Laban offered!  This prompted him to negotiate for business partnership and eventual business ownership instead of satisfaction with mere salary increase Laban offered. Genesis 30:27-32. As a child of God today, we must realise God’s promise to bless and see possibility of abundance through vision and well organised effort. Do not live with negative attitude like the man with one talent that buried it for lack of vision, excuses and poor initiative. Matthew 25:24-30. 

2   Seek God for direction. In Genesis 26:1-6, the importance and possibility of God’s guidance  to a life of wealth and abundance was clearly demonstrated. Isaac knew from God: (a) Where to station and invest Verse 5. (b) What business to do. Verse 12. (c) What to do when challenges arose from competitors. Verse 16,17. God still guides today when you take time to seek direction from Him. 

3. You need a SEED to begin with!  Genesis 26:12; Psalm 12:6.  A seed can mean: Idea, finance (capital), advice, opportunity, training etc. Define and recognise the seed and do not eat or toil with it.  There are many ways to prepare your seed among which are: (a) Your personal bank savings from initial salary work, cooperative savings, borrowed money without/with minimal interest etc, to take off. (b)Education, (c)skill acquisition (d)Personal development programme etc. Whatever you choose to do, passion, interest and persistence are the keys to success. See it possible. Plan and follow it up. You will be on your way to breakthrough. 

4. Start your own business outfit! Genesis 26:12.   A lot of ideas that could have brought great fortune to the conceivers and the world at large are allowed to die.  These account for poverties, limitations and adversities as experienced in many circles today. Fear of failure, fear of unknown and procrastination's must be overcome. Ecclesiastes 11:4. Seek and apply necessary information that will enhance to better your work and its growth, especially from the successful men in your chosen line of endeavour. Mary went to Elizabeth to see the proof of possibility of God’s promise! Luke 1:35-41. Look for encouragers, mentors and not pessimist with stories of why it can't be done.

 5. Invest your profits and resources so as to multiply your earning base and grow your wealth. Genesis 26:22-29. These can be done in many ways: (a) You can buy equity shares in godly, good and profitable organisations. (b)You can invest in real estate (land and housing properties), (c) Plan to owe your own house, (d)Possess land for agricultural purpose(crop or livestock), (e) Diversify with chains of businesses with good returns, (f) Invest in your children education. (g) Give to support gospel work, to the needy and for community social good. 1Timothy 6:17-19. 

6. Enjoy your wealth as God’s gift. Ecclesiastes 5:18,19. When God blesses you, learn to enjoy God’s goodness with thanksgiving. Do not be like the rich fools who will not sleep because of their much wealth! They hoard and oppress others with it. Ecclesiastes 5:12-14. Rather, you can choose to enjoy your wealth by: (a) Putting smiles on the face of others, their gratitude and progress enhanced by your liberality will bring you comfort and peace of mind. Job 29:11-13. (b)Eat healthily such as is good for your health. Avoid injurious junks that hamper wellness! Proverb 23:3, Revelation 18:14.  (c)Trust God, and not riches; this helps to avoid anxiety and worry over challenges. Habakkuk 3:17-19. (d)Plan your time to serve God, have leisure, vacation to rest and refresh etc.

 7. No wealth and riches is as valuable as redemption! Psalm 49:6-9. Above riches and wealth, salvation of your soul, righteousness in Christ, good work among men, service to God, and treasure in heaven must be focal. 1Timothy 6:17-19.    Christ warning on trust in riches and deceitfulness of it must be heeded. Matthew 13:22; Luke 12:16-21.  Like Job. God and God’s word and wisdom must rule your heart and your riches. Job 31:5-11.    

Note that change is inevitable  in life. Sometimes riches develop wings and may run away. Also death cannot be bribed by riches.  Ecclesiastes 8:8. Therefore in your riches, fear God, leave good name and legacies that will put you in good remembrance and yield good interest in your eternity. Matthew 16:26.

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