3 min read

Wisdom for Godly Wealth Creation 

Texts: Deuteronomy 8:10-19; Proverb 4:5-9; Proverb 10:4; 22:29. 

Memory Verse: Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29   

Wealth empowers you to have and live in sufficiency with abundant resources to meet every need at your disposal.  Wealth answers to vision, wise plan and purpose execution. Luck may bring you to favour, without wisdom and diligent handling, whatever opportunities such favour brings, will waste away. Thoughtful disposition and good preparation is necessary both to create and sustain wealth. 

THE WISDOM OF GODLY WEALTH CREATION.      It must be made clear, that amassing wealth without God who gives power to get wealth is a foolish pursuit! God is the one who can give, keep and sustain. Luke 12:16-21; Ecclesiastes 5:19. The wealth of a redeemed believer is not the same as that of sinful world, with foundation in human sensual or satanic wisdom. James 3:15. This comes with grievous cost and sorrows in the end. Wisdom from above lifts, blesses and prospers with peace, patience and unending joy, void of sorrow! James 1:17; Proverbs 10:22. 

1. Prosperity of the righteous attest to God goodness and faithfulness. To seek wealth and riches within the circumference of godliness is not sinful. Hagai 2:8,9.  In Matthew 27:57-60, Joseph of Arimathaea, a rich man donated his own new tomb, carved in the rock for the burial of Jesus Christ! No poor man can do that. Your wealth enables you to advance God’s Kingdom so easily with attending rewards. Esther 10:3.

 2. God is not a magician. His promise is to bless the work of your hand!  Psalm 1:3 says:  "...whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" . Therefore you need to study and understand yourself: Your gift, talent, interest and ability are important. Proverb 18:16. You may need to learn skill, train and re-train to enhance performance and productivity in your chosen line of endeavour like Joseph Genesis 37:5,6. To succeed you must choose to be the best in whatever you do. 

3. imagination is the mother of innovation and inventions!  God in Genesis 11: 6 says: "...this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do". Do not sit down to bewail your past lost opportunities! Rather engage your brain (mind) positively. Locate your area of possible exploit. Make firm but wise workable decision, seek good advice, plan and pursue it with available means. Faith in God can open great doors when you are anticipative, diligent and faithful. Matthew 25:22-23. 

4. Despise not the potential in little beginning! Job 8:7. The great Oak was once like a seedling! Many believers are afraid and hesitant to start small. One man may see a pot of porridge in a bag of grains, while the other man in the same bag see an hectares of cultivated grains field with multiple returns! Start something today with purpose of growth, enlargement and great future reward. Isaiah 51:1-2. 

5. Investment by sowing is God wisdom and way to prosperity and wealth. John 12:24. Poor believers earn to expend and exhaust like the prodigal son. Luke 15:12-17.    The wise and wealthy ones sow and invest, even if it involves enduring pain at the onset! Psalm 126:5,6. The joy of bountiful harvest will eventually offset the initial inconveniences suffered during investing. Ecclesiastes 7:8.

 6. Patience is an important factor in the journey of wealth acquisition. James 5:7,8. Patience is not same as idleness. Rather, it is steadfast mastery of processes and details that enhances success. Mistake will be made and lessons learnt. Corrections and adjustments of plans are part of success journey. The hasty and impatient that is after quick riches will be shipwrecked! Proverb 28:20,22. 

7. Put your trust and confidence in God and not in uncertain riches. 1Timothy 6:17. This is the only way to contentment in wealth. True riches are never proud, vague or oppressive. The picture of a life with true riches and wealth is shown in the life of Job. Job 29:1-25. May God bless you with riches and wealth to meet need of others through your life. Luke 6:38. The mean and ungodly man boasts with riches and hoard it to his own hurt. Ecclesiastes 5:12-14.

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