3 min read

Christ Model of A Life Well-Spent

Bible Texts:  3John 1:1-4; Deuteronomy 4:40; 2Kings 4:26; Psalm 128:1-6. 

Memory Verse: "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth".– Genesis 1:28.    

God’s utmost desire is to see all His children living well, victorious and joyful. This truth was expressed in God maiden pronouncement to mankind in Genesis 1:28:  "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth". Hence, No child of God should expect less than the fulfilment of this declarations in this life. The capacity to fulfil these divine purposes is regenerated in every born-again Christian. 2Corinthians  5:17. Spiritual, physical, mental, social and financial wellness is a right God had given us in Christ to enjoy. Jeremiah 29:11.    Therefore, as another year, and another life journey begin, it is important to plan and prepare for all round success and wellness. 

Christ: The Model Of  A  Life Well-Spent.  Mark 7:37; Matthew 22:30; Genesis 39:1-5.  

Our God’s witness about Christ regarding his earthly living set Him as a standard for everyone alive to seek to pursue and emulate. Mark 1:11 "And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased". In other words, all that God considered as key parameters of meaningful and fulfilling life, were all represented in Christ way of life. Christ is our model of a well-lived, healthy and fulfilling life. In this study we shall consider some cogent points of reference in relation to Christ that will serve as blueprint of healthy and victorious living in the year 2021. 

1. The first lesson from Christ is a reminder that we are sent and are in the world to fulfil the purpose of God creation! Luke 2:49; Genesis 1:28. (a) To be fruitful in that which you are called and chosen  to do, (b)To multiply, i.e bring increase, add value, improve living standard, bring better result by the employment of your initiative. (c) To replenish: To fill a place once empty with precious substance! e.g. to replace darkness with light, ignorance with knowledge or poverty with riches! (d) To subdue: To be on top and in control of life circumstances and challenges. And lastly (e) To have dominion: as king, man is created and equipped to rule and reign in his domain, in Family, in finance, to have freedom and power over enemies and oppositions in whatever form. 

2. That life outside God, his word, his will and his way is empty, foolish and full of vanity. John 5:30; Isaiah 55:6-11. Your wisdom first is to be sure you are in Christ by true awareness of every sin in your life, then, with genuine repentance and turning away completely from every evil way. 2 Corinthians 4:2. 

3. That it takes God, His power and abiding presence to be victorious and fulfilling! Luke 6:12,13. Purity attracts God towards a soul. Matthew 5:8. The secret and wisdom of life full of excellence is sealed into your heart as you seek Him in prayer, having met God condition of holiness and faith. Daniel.2:16-23,46-49.

 4. Wisdom is a necessary tool to pursue and attain the height of God expectation in life. Proverb 4:5-9. Understanding and Knowledge of God, though important is not enough! There must be (a) A willing heart. (b) Obedience to God in all things. Isaiah 1:19. Therefore, whatever the Lord will have you do this year as He continually reveals Himself to you, your wisdom is to hear, fear God and obey. 1Peter 1:2. 

5. Like Jesus, let the Father's will and business be the sole object of your endeavour and labour in life! John 6:3-7. This is the reason why you must have all it takes to live a wholesome life, so as to be fit for the master service! Philippians 4:18,19. Clothes, food, shelter, finance, other needs of life etc; are all yours by faith and by right in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:32. 

6. Jesus worked tirelessly, dedicatedly and sacrificially to bring result. John 4:3-30; 9:4. Laziness, idleness, procrastination and aimlessness will rob you distinction and excellence in life Proverb 22:29. It is not enough to be busy or full of activities without getting expected result! 1king 20:39,40. 

7. Like Christ, define your goals and concentrate your effort. (see Luke 19:10. 1Corinthians 10:33). What is your chief end to achieve this year? For Christ, it is: "TO SEEK AND SAFE THE LOST". Therefore: a) Set goal to be physically well. Deuteronomy 4:40. b) Set goal to be financially prosperous. Ecclesiastes 5:14 c) Set goal to be spiritually fruitful: Grow, Win soul, Disciple converts, Serve God faithfully. 2Peter 3:18. d) Set goal to love, relate well and help others. Proverb 17:17. e) Set goal to be holy and rapturable. Psalm 55:6.

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