3 min read


Texts: James 1:12; Daniel 3:23-30

 Memory Verse: Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. James 1:12.     

Victory is a joyful experience! It opens doors to freedom, purpose and fulfillment.  The three Hebrews became an amazing wonders in Babylon, when Nebuchadnezzar and his dreaded furnace of fire was defied and defeated!  Victory is the sweetest song the saints in Christ is bound to sing at last! May the Lord help you to do the needful, to be one of those who conquer every temptation, to sing song of victory in the end in Jesus Name.   

REWARD FOR THE OVERCOMERS. 2 Timothy 4:7-8; Esther 6:1-10.    

The righteous shall be rewarded! Psalm 58:11. Satan had known and in the past tasted of the glory awaiting the Saints. He hopelessly lost all due to rebellion! Therefore, labouring to deprive anyone to make and witness the joy of heaven is without regret to the Devil. He knows God's standard remains sure! That shame and dishonour shall be the lot of the compromisers. Revelation 21:7-8. Today’s Reward Nuggets are as follows: 

1. Whatever seed you sow, good or bad, will be ripe for you to harvest sooner or later. For instance when Mordecai refused to be bribed into the felony attempt of Bigthana and Teresh to slay King Ahasuerus in Esther 6:2, he chose the risky path of faithfulness! Haman frictions with Mordecai might not be unconnected with this issue! The righteous seemed to suffer unjustifiably for a time. Yet at set time, God will turn the table. Mordecai was remembered and was gloriously celebrated! Esther 6:1-10. This is still true for every steadfast believer today. 

2. Taken stand against evil and refusal to yield to temptation does not insulate you from hardship, disapproval of men and unjust treatment. You must count it joyful to bear such reproach for Christ sake. 1Peter 4:12-16. At the end, every sacrifice made for righteousness sake, shall have a just recompense. Luke 14:14. Remember Daniel in Lion's den, and his glorious end. Ezekiel 14:14. 

3. Good will triumph over evil in the end!  Matthew 10:28-33. Experience of Stephen has a lot to teach us. Acts 7:51-60. No lawyer could plead his case with the aggressive Jews. For him to be fearful and economical with the truth would have meant blocking  the chance of Paul's conversion!  He spoke fearlessly without adulteration. Heaven responded with honour and welcome salute. Sometimes Christian can find himself in life threatening situation. Choose to be faithful to death.  Revelation 2:10.

 4. God’s presence, power and glory are the sure rewards for the overcomers. Psalm 23:3-6. David exercised restraint when tempted to murder Saul, even when common sense dictated it was the right thing to do! Why? He feared God and considered God as his helper and sure reward. 1Samuel 26:9-11,25,26. In the end, God in whom he trusted not only delivered, but elevated, enthroned and established him to serve his generation. Acts 13:6. You can always be assured that goodness and mercy are the portions of the faithfuls. 

5. Joy and awareness of God’s faithfulness constantly fill the heart of the victorious saints. Lamentation 3:23-26. The knowledge of God’s faithfulness is a great consolation. It enclaves the soul with peace of mind. The heart is filled with joy unspeakable, even in the midst of storm! Imagine Paul on the Sea voyage to Rome. Despite many troubles and uncertainties that loomed, he was calm and resilience  with proactive word of assurance to the troubled inmates. Acts 27:9-11, 21-25. He rested confidently on God’s unfailing everlasting arms.

 6. Spiritual growth, maturity, fruits and gifts of the Spirit for uncommon exploits are sure rewards. Luke 4:12-14. This was evident in the life of Joseph, Ruth, Daniel and our Lord Jesus Christ. After they have endured and overcome in there temptations, God’s glory shone upon them with great testimonies of amazing exploits. This is true today in the life of every conqueror in Christ. James 1:12. 

7. Lastly, having gone through these series of studies, it is evident that the winners are bound to reign, both in life and eternity. A lot of gains and treasures await the triumphant saints who dare to stand for Christ amidst fiery temptations! God will honour them, men will revere them, and history will place them on the epitome of sacred saints, who by faith overcome the wiles of the wicked! Hebrews 11:32-35.     The choice therefore is yours to decide where to pitch your tent. Please, move to the righteous side of God and fight temptations valiantly, to WIN the CROWN and REIGN with Christ   in the end. 2Timothy 4:5-8.  Romans 8:37.  Amen.

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