2 min read

Text: Luke 22:31-34; Galatians 5:16-26 

Memory Verse: But every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed. James 1:14  

The sole aim of temptation is to lure believer to displease God and thereby frustrate God good purpose over such life. Jeremiah 29:11. God was displeased and disappointed over the attitude of Adam at the fall. Imagine how God would have viewed it, had Joseph ended on the lap of Portiphar's wife! God’s plan over Israel to come over to Egypt as prophesied to Abraham would have been hindered. Genesis 15:13-16.  It grieves God to the heart whenever a child of God yields to the ploy of Satan when tempted. Genesis 6:5-6. In every minute detail of daily living, every child of God should be very vigilant to watch against temptation. The counsel of Christ is "watch and pray". Mathew. 26:41. 

Watching Against Besetting Temptations. Hebrew 12:1-2. Galatians 5:16-26.   Let us consider some among many areas that the adversary may privily roll in, to lure a steadfast believer into temptation. 

1. Negligence regarding spending time with God, to secure mercy, grace and help that come from his presence. Hebrew 4:15,16. Strength comes from God. The first attempt of Satan is often to block your source of strength and help, thereby, launching ferocious attack against you like he did to Samson. Judges 16:20. 

2. Watch over your areas of weaknesses!  What sin does easily beset you? + For Eve, it was careless talk and lust. Genesis 3:1-4. + For Cain, it was envy and anger. Genesis 4:5-8. +For Dinar, it was careless association and uncontrolled freedom as youth. Genesis 34:1-2. +For Esau, it was untamed appetite for food and lack of purpose for living. Genesis 24:29-34. + For Reuben, it was unruly sexual urge. Genesis 35:22. +For King David, it was complacence, adultery and manipulations to cover up sin as in the case of Uriah. 2Samuel 11:14,15. +For Absalom, it was lust for power, fame and position at all cost not minding Gods' scheme of things. 2Samuel 15:1-6.  +For Peter, it was overconfidence! Matthew 26:34,35. +For Thomas, it was doubt and hesitation. John 20:25. +For Saul, it was impatience and men pleasing attitude. 1Samuel 13:8-13. + For Solomon, it was intoxication with success and women.1Kings.11:1-9. +For Judas and Demas, it was love for money, material and mundane things of the world.2Timothy.4:10.

 3. When are you mostly vulnerable to the tempter? 

a. Time of trials and afflictions. Job 2:7-10. 

b. When you are lonely, depressed or frustrated. Jeremiah 20:14-18. 

c. Time of pleasure, elation, elevation and opportunities, you can easily be caught off guard! Daniel 1:3-8.

 d. When breakthrough is on the way! Luke 4:1-13, 31-32. 

e. When you are poor, sick, weak and weary. At this time, admonitions to seek for help elsewhere, outside Christ, may  come. Isaiah 30:1-3. 

f. When you are so desperate to get it or have it, at all cost (whatever!) 1Timothy 6-9. 

g. When you are carefree and careless (idle moment). Isaiah 32:9-12.  Therefore, beloved, watch, be vigilant and prayerful.

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