3 min read

TEXT: Psalm 22:29-30, Daniel 12:3, Jeremiah 29:11.

MEMORY VERSE: Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins. James 5:19-20

Great problems emerge, whenever there is a vacuum successionally in physical, social and spiritual system. For examples: 

(i)Physically, famine as a result of draught can cause serious problems as crops fail to yield and vital seeds become scarce! Hunger, poor living condition, etc. ensues. Habakkuk 3:17.

(ii) Socially, war or political struggles can bring about successional problems when life especially males are destroyed as in Pharaoh's plan for Israel extinction in Egypt! Exodus 1:8-16.

(iii) Spiritually, when the Church fails to: win souls, disciple and develop matured believers as successors for whatever reasons, the future of the Church is destroyed, and the kingdom cause jeopardized. This happened in Israel at the time of Judges! Spiritual decadence with many attending evils prevailed at such time Judges 21:25. God expectations in such cases became unfruitful. This is why God naturally takes the issue of Succession in all realms as a serious matter!<strong> Necessity Of Successful Succession. Psalm 22:29-31. 

The future has greater possibilities than today. Yet, tomorrow fortune is a function of today preparation, wisely explored potentials and opportunities. I. God, for the purpose of succession has put and equipped every life with SEED. The seed represents the future of the organism in a miniature! This is a prototype that gives assurance of tomorrows' existence, reality and possibilities. Genesis 22:17,18. The seed therefore is the wisdom of God for fulfilling His purpose in all generation.

NOTE: In the Church, three versions of the seed must be possessed, preserved and transmitted to the coming generations.

(i) Christ as the promised seed in whom is the life and vitality of the gospel. The faith and trust must be in Him alone for salvation, righteousness, dominion and eternal life. Colossians 3:3-4, says: <strong><em>"For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory." See also (2 Timothy 1:1).

(ii) The fruits house the seed! There is no seed without the fruits! These are representing the souls that are saved by the proclamation of the gospel. These must be nurtured, grown and matured to bear more fruits. 3 John 1:4, says: <strong><em>"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."This fruits of soul winning are the seed for tomorrow generation Church.

(iii) The seed of truth (The word of God), the vision and purpose of the gospel. John 1:1-5. When the doctrinal truth, and the lively effect of it dies with a Church, no meaningful succession is possible according to John 8:31. "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;" The three aspects emphasized above are to be guided in the Church and transmitted successionally to the future generations.

II. Practical Steps For Future Succession: Genesis 18:19.

1. As individual, plan to advance God's purpose beyond yourself, by;

(a) Becoming a healthy and vital seed yourself, an example of Christ likeness in all walks of life. 

(b)Winning souls, discipleship, mentoring and empowerment of such converts for kingdom services is very germane.

2. In family:(a) Envision and train your children in the good paths, including: Your faith in Christ, character, formal education, integrity and diligence in achieving excellence.

(b) Empower your spouse to be profitably resourceful and a successful complement that can fill in for you, in case you are not available!

3. In business: Ecclesiastes 11:6.

(a) Do no eat your seed! Your capital is your business successional power. 

(b) Also, do not be a lone ranger. Avoid “do it alone syndrome” for whatever reason. You will eventually kill that business if care isn’t taking! Raise and train people who can function effectively when you are not there. Two are better than one.

4. In leadership, aim at good legacy, not power for power sake!

(a) Set solid foundation of right principle, character, competence and integrity to achieve excellence.

(b) Work and invest on the YOUTHS as tomorrow leaders, like Moses did to Joshua! Exodus 33:11. Leaders must be raised in every department for effective service delivery. Success without successor is a failure. A good leader gets the work done, but a great leader makes himself eventually unnecessary! John 16:7.

5. Values, Sound Principle and Practice: These are very essential in a world that is changing fast, with tendencies to replace truth with errors, competence with mediocrities, and virtues with vanities! The Church must look for ways to preserve values and biblical principles:

(a) Teach sound doctrines and be practical in living such out for the upcoming generation to see. Deuteronomy 6:1-10.

(b) Upgrade and engage latest technologies for preservation and transmission of Christ's love, truth and Church values to future generations.

6. Demonstrate and exemplify with all sincerity and truth the life of holiness in Christ without which no man shall see the Lord. Covenant is made effective in two ways: Luke 24:19.

(a) In words. (b) In deeds. 

When your words contradict your life deed or lifestyle, God or man will never take you serious! Behave your beliefs. Let your conviction and stand for Christ be strong enough, that you're not only willing, but ready to die for it. Hebrew 12:2-4.

7. Effective prayer! John 17:8-12. Jesus, apart from sealing the covenant with His blood for transmission to all ages, saw the place of prayer to be primer! Effective prayer is essential, to transmit the gospel and make it truly relevant and embraced by the coming generation. The Lord will help you. Amen.

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