3 min read

Texts: John 15:1-11; 17:20-24.           

However big the branch of a tree may become, if it is cut off for any reason whatsoever, it is a matter of time, it will dry off!

I. Types of Worshippers

  There are three types of worshipers in the Church: (1) The one on WILD VINES who are independent of Christ. These are simply religious but without Christ and his life within. They are well without water and shadow void of true substance. Their state could be due to ignorance, self delusion or deceit of the devil. These have no heaven to go. 2 Peter 2:17. (2')The one that was once on the TRUE VINE, but now cut off!  Once in grace but now carnal. Lust, intellect, and greed rule the heart as against truth and grace in Christ. Hebrew 6:1-8. Galatians 3:3, 4. (3)The abiding Christians, who are the very branch of the TRUE VINE. These are in Christ as Christ is within, living, reigning and bearing fruits of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Romans 14:17, 18. 

  • The Abiding Branch of the Vine –Romans 11:16-25.

    The root with the stem, dictates the life, health and the fruit of a tree. Isaiah.11:1-5. To live a vibrant and fruitful Christian life is not a difficult task as many suppose.  No branch of a tree planted by river side had trouble thriving and bearing precious fruits! It is easy, automatic and wonderful experience for such a tree! Psalm 1:3. So is the life that truly abides in Christ Jesus, the true Vine. This is where the secret of a stable, fruitful and victorious Christian life lies. John 15:4,5.    In this study we shall also consider how we can truly abide in Christ, so as to grow, stay healthy and strong to withstand damnable pressures, and to bear good fruit in Christ to God glory. 

  • Christ is the ROOT and STEM of the Vine according to: Isaiah 11:1 "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots". A  Christian can only live and have his being in Him. Acts 17:28. To attempt to live a Christian life without Christ and connection  with him as branch will be a futile attempt! It will only bring confusion, frustration, and weariness at the end. Imagine a man working and waiting for harvest in a field planted with dead seed without vitality! He will only labour and end in regret. Philippians 4:13.
  • The mystery of God grace gives hope and possibilities without bias and discrimination to all men irrespective of race, colour, pedigree or status whatsoever. Titus.2:11-14.

 Note that the once wild olive can be removed from the bad stock of stem to be ENGRAFTED into the good olive!  See: Romans 11:17. "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree". Grace makes every sinner to merit forgiveness by faith and repentance in Christ. This is a great mystery. 

  • Grace in Christ comes with RESPONSIBILITY! Titus 2:11,12. To be engrafted into Christ as branch, you must be removed from your old stems' stock! Matthew 6:24. To be forgiven, you must repent!  You must acknowledge your sin as evil, unacceptable to God. To be saved you must believe and accept Christ by faith. To grow you must remain engrafted and embedded, to draw life from the sap of the Vine. This is where yield and surrender to God word, God's will and God’s way, become very necessary. Psalm 40:6-8. Grace enables you to connect with Christ, to do what is humanly impossible! 1Corinthian.15:10.
  • The heart plays a prominent part in the ABIDING LIFE. It is there the issue of life is exchanged between the vine and the branch! Proverb 4:23. The constituent resource of exchange in this regard are: (a) The seal of the Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13. (b)The word of truth seasoned with grace. Colossians 3:16. Isaiah 50:4. Daily reading, study and meditation with prayer transform the word into lively issue that quicken, vitalise and refresh the spiritual life.Psalm.119:97,140. (c) Prayer of faith with understanding and in the Holy Ghost also works. 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Jude 1:20; (d) Worship and fellowship both personal and with other believers in praise, thanksgiving, hymn and spiritual song. Colossians 3:16; Psalm 92:1; 95:1.
  • Hearing of faith and obedience play key role in the abiding life. Isaiah 50:5;10; Galatians 3:5. The obedient spirit sustains the spiritual flow! It creates a divine pull that overflows the heart and life with grace, joy and power of the Holy Spirit. It is the only proof that you love and fear God passionately. Romans.8:14. Without this, faith becomes mere religion without power!  2Timothy 3:5. Obedience is a major factor in the fruitful life of the branches Isaiah 1:19. To grow, mature and do exploit in Christ, you must learn obedience Jesus which is way. Hebrew 5:8-10.
  • Note that every good branch produces leaves to maintain and sustain the vine relationship! Note that the leaves provide: (a) Shade for protection of the vine. (b) food synthesis for the vine.  (c)Breathing services with elimination of wastes and (d) manure  when the leave is shed!

 The above is a pointer to the fact that the branch does not receive supply from the vine without given something back! It is "give and take relationship" The branch eventually sheds off the leave fort the vine renewal, having played such crucial and benefitting roles. As abiding Christian, you must learn not to receive the grace of God in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:10; Luke 6:38. 

  • The ultimate purpose of the branch is to produce fruit. Let's hear what Jesus said in this regard: John 15:2.  "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit".

John 15:8  "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples". Are you a branch of the true vine? Your fruit is the only proof of your position and claim in Christ! Matthew.7:18-20.   Amen.

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