3 min read

  Text: John 15:1-17, Isaiah 5:1-5; Matthew. 7:16-27.  

The vine tree is known and loved for its good and precious fruit (grape). The juice gives wine according to Judges 9:13. The vine is not a hard wood tree, but such that will always need support, pruning and tender care. The Master thus emphasizes the need and the role of His heavenly father as the husband man, who constantly does tending work on the vine to ensure support, security, growth and fruitfulness as the chief end result!   The Lord in these studies will be opening our understanding to important helpful truths that will enhance our fruitful walk, living and service as we live for Him here on earth! 

Christ, As The True Vine! -    John 15:1; Isaiah 5:2. Hosea 9:10. John 2:7-11.

Our Lord Jesus said: "I am the true vine". This statement brings to our understanding that fake or wild vine must exist! Fatality is undoubtedly the result of mistaking a real, good Vine for the wild one as in the case recorded in 2 Kings 4:39,40. There is definitely no alternative to Christ. There is no other name whereby man can be saved, except Christ. He is the true and sure anchor of hope for earthly joy and eternal bliss. Acts 4:12. There are lessons the Lord wants us to learn regarding the True Vine: 

  • Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Just as light has no comparable alternative, so is Christ. John 14:6. The religious world has invented and coined lots of strange gods resulting to diverse false religions and cultic practices to fill human void, and to satisfy human crave for lost of relationship with true and living God. Act 17:23. Nothing but Christ, true repentance from sin and salvation can bring lasting remedy.  
  • God (The husbandman) approval of the genuineness of Christ claim as the Vine, Saviour and Lord is authenticated in the scripture. John 15:1. (a)He is the promised seed of the woman. Genesis 3:15. (b)He is the Shiloh to whom all men will seek and gather. Genesis 49:10. (c)He is the rock upon which true and sustainable faith is built. 1 Corinthians 10:4.; Matthew 7:24,27. (d)He is the beloved Son of God to whom all must listen! Matthew 3:16. (e)He is the door and giver of life eternal! John 10:7-10.
  • Alternative to Christ the True Vine is dangerous! John 6:64-68. Every backslider lacks a firm grip of this truth. John 8:32-36. Hence, such becomes an easy prey to the deception, ploy and manipulation of the Devil. Absolute faith and rest on the person and grace of Christ are the only guarantees of firm root and steadfastness to the very end. Christ and Him alone must be our refuge and confidence. Psalm 125:1-6.
  • True Vine brings forth wine that uniquely satisfies! John 2:10,11; Judges 9:13. Coming to Christ and abiding in Him is the secret of life abundance and real joy! The trees of the Lord are full of Sap! Psalm 104:16. Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Ruth and Esther were proofs that beauty, excellence and glory are the sure portions of every joint-heirs with Christ Jesus Romans 8:15-17. Seal and reinforce better relationship as branch of the vine with Christ today; then, the future harvest will be gladsome! Judge 9:13.
  • God’s presence is sure at all season no matter the challenges, wherever Christ and His righteousness reign. God is the husbandman, who watches over His own! Isaiah 49:14-16. The rain, the sunshine, gentle breeze and swift wind are all required and useful for the thriving and welfare of the vine. Same way, various trials and seasons mature, build and strengthens the soul that truly abides in Christ. Isaiah 53:1-12.
  • God, the husband man patiently awaits the fruit of the Vine and Jesus fruits always satisfy the Father! James 5:7,8. Matthew 3:17. He finished the work God sent Him to accomplish in the world. John 17:4. The Father rejoices over Christ work till date! Psalm 96:11. Likewise is Christ awaiting the fruit of grace and salvation from every believer! To bring to Him: glory, honour and majesty. Does your life and work bring glory or shame daily to Christ? Are you a branch of this true Vine? The end will tell!
  • Finally, the Vine and the branch share same life, and stand on same root foundation! 1 Corinthians 3:11. Every aspect of a true Christian life must reflect and portray Christ to the world according to 1 John 4:17 "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world".

    The above is humanly impossible task!  Possible only, as you choose to abide in Christ, the TRUE VINE. John 15:4. **************************************************************************************************

1. Friend all around me are trying to find

  • What the heart yearns for, by sin undermined;
  • I have the secret, I know where tis found:
  • Only true pleasures in Jesus abound.

 All that I want is in Je…..sus,He satisfies,…joy He supplies;…Life would be worthless without….Him,…All things in Jesus I Find. 

2. Some carry burdens whose weight has for years

  • Crushed them with sorrow and blinded with tears,
  • Yet one stands ready to help them just now,
  • If they will humbly in penitence bow
  • 3. No other name thrills the joy-chords within,
  • And thro’ none else is remission of sin;
  • He knows the pain of the heart sorely tried
  • Both need and want will by Him be supplied

  • 4. Jesus is all this poor world needs today,
  • Blindly they strive, for sin darkens their way;
  • O to draw back the grim curtains of night,
  • One glimpse of Jesus and all will be bright.


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