3 min read


Keeping the Revival Fire Aflame (Part 2)  

Text:   John 13:1; Philippians 3:12-13; Hebrew 1:7; Matthew 28:20.

 Memory Verse: And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. Hebrew 1:7        

God makes His ministers a flame of fire! God will not fail to fulfill His part in keeping the revival fire aflame. Whenever God finds cooperation on the part of men chosen as vessels to bear the golden oil that burns into revival flame, heaven and earth will rejoice for fruits of righteousness and glory over time. Zechariah 4:12-14. 2:4, 5. 

 II. Becoming The Right Man, To Spark, And Preserve The Revival Fire. Luke 1:67-80.        The birth of John the Baptist signified the beginning of a new era of revival in Israel. The spark that began with him soon became a great fire; set ablaze by Christ and transmitted by the Apostles, to give light, hope and salvation to the generations of men ever since! Psalm 22:30-31.        Likewise your salvation as an individual destined and equipped you with power, capacity and capability to become a factor in God’s Kingdom to burn and shine the revival flame in your generation. John 5:35; Luke 10:37. None must remain complacent while the revival fire dies out. 

  • Present yourself to God as a living Sacrifice upon the altar of grace, prayer and faithful service. 1 Samuel 3:3, 4. Romans 12:1.
  • Live above reproach of men and condemnation of the devil. Romans 12:2; 8:1-2. Purity within and without is a great pull that leads to great experience with God. 2 Chronicles 15:1-4.
  •   The flaming unction rests on the righteous true seeker. Hebrew 1:9. Nothing will stop God, when He could find a man or group of men, whose heart are perfect towards him.
  • Thirst and hunger after God, righteousness and revival must be genuine. Matthew 5:6. Like Gideon, the zeal must be genuine. Matthew 5:6. Like Gideon, the zeal must go beyond ordinary mouth pledge. It must move you into visible evidential action! Gideon’s burden moved him to keep and hid wheat from the Midianites for love of his people. Judges 6:11. Such proof of love became an attraction for God to pour the anointing fire upon Gideon. The result was great revival that brought liberation and deliverance upon the land! Judges 8:28.
  • Work hard, be diligent and faithful to understand and discharge your roles as God equip and enable you. Ezra 7:10. This may require more reading, study and networking for self improvement. Luke 1:39-45. Concentrate on God’s word. Consecrate on the altar of prayer to hear God for precise directives that will make great difference in your calling! Acts 6:4. Whenever God’s oracle is open up to a man by the Holy Ghost, miracle is bound to follow with signs and wonders to draw, save and perfect souls for God kingdom! Luke 3:1-8.
  • To ensure revival fire never dies with you, Labour at preparing successors to whom the baton can be handed over. Elijah found and groomed Elisha, Mordecai found and groomed Ester! Our Lord Jesus raised, equipped and commissioned the Apostles. Also Paul had array of disciples like Timothy, Titus, Silas etc. to whom the grace and anointing upon him was transferred. Mark 3:13-16; 1 King 19:19. Ecclesiastes 11:2-6. 2Timothy 2:1-2.
  •   This is the core of the gospel mandate for which the anointing for revival fire is given. See that you fail not in this important area.
  • Hold firmly onto God: His word, promise, presence, power and programme without deviation! Psalm 73:25. Hebrew 10:23.
  •   Satan will challenge your calling, fruitfulness and faithfulness. Job 1:8-11. Men will try if possible to put a stumbling block on your way! 2Corinthians 11:24-28. God’s presence, comfort and encouragement form the source of help and anchor to keep you going. 1Kings 19:4-8. Never give up the fight! Rather move on in the power of the Holy Spirit. Note that, the harder the battle, the glorious the victory. The Light of grace will shine brighter when the darkness is thickest! Act 22:21-25.
  • Rejoice always at the glory kept in heaven for you. Hebrew 12:2; 1Thessalonians 5:16-18. The joy of the Lord is the source of strength for the saints. Nehemiah 8:10.
  •   Whatever be the exploits that attend your ministry and labour, give all the flory to God! Matthew 6:13. Take heed to yourselves to the end. 1Corinthians 10:12. Help the weak and lift up the downcast. Give hope to the rejected and discouraged.
  • Philemon 10-18. When God’s love is the motivation behind all our endeavours. He will take charge to ensure that the revival flame burns brighter. The light shines that the revival flame burns brighter. The light shines and the darkness comprehend it not. John1:1-7.
  •   Like John the Baptist, It is your turn to burn and shine to give the light of salvation to the world. John 5:35.       Amen.



1.          Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame, Send the fire! Thy blood-bought gift today we claim, Send the fire! Look down and see this waiting host, Give us the promised Holy Ghost, We want another Pentecost, Send the fire! 

2.         God of Elijah, hear our cry: Send the fire! To make us fit to live or die, Send the fire! To burn up every trace of sin, To bring the light and glory in, The revolution now begin, Send the fire! 

3.         ’Tis fire we want, for fire we plead, Send the fire! The fire will meet our every need, Send the fire! For strength to ever do the right, For grace to conquer in the fight. For power to walk the world in white, Send the fire!

4. To make our weak hearts strong and brave, Send the fire! To live a dying world to save, Send the fire! O see us on thy altar lay Our lives, our all, this very day, To crown the offering now we pray, Send the fire!

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