3 min read


Keeping the Revival Fire Aflame 

John 13:1; Luke 14:28-29; John 17:4; 19:30; Number 28:6. 

Memory Verse: It is a continual burnt offering, which was ordained in Mount Sinai for a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the Lord. Number 28:6 

Nothing could be as painful to a waiting mother as losing her pregnancy to miscarriage. Revival is like fire is like a conception that must be delivered to term and grow to maturity bringing joy to all around. God hates a dying or dead revival! Samuel was God quick remedy to dying flame in Eli. 1 Samuel 3:1-4. David became a substitute for the dead revival fire in Saul as well. 1 Samuel 16:1. Revival fire must not be allowed to be quenched nor aborted like a pregnancy. 

 Dangers of Quenching And Loosing Revival Fire!

Acts 1:15-20; Judges 16:19-25. 

There are so many dangers associated with loosing fire of revival. Matthew 5:13. Individual as well as the church must do everything possible to keep the revival fire burning. Every revival that comes from above is intended for glory and establishment of divine order on earth. James 1:17-18. When revival fire is quenched reaction is provoked in heaven as well as in hell! 

  • Joy ceases among the righteous saints! Jeremiah 9:1-6. The hell enlarges itself. Isaiah 5:14. Hope of many perishes forever! Jeremiah 7:29; Matthew 23:37, 38.
  • Christ Kingdom cause is truncated when revival is carelessly handled! This was evident in Samson’s life. Judges 13:5. He was borne to bring deliverance to Israel. He got the anointing and began mighty exploits. Judges 13:24-25. But by careless handling, he lost the unction of revival. Judges 16:20-21. He left Israel with great vacuum of godly leaders that his unction and leadership would have raised. Judges 21:25.
  • Satan and enemies of righteousness will have cause to reproach the church. Judges 16:21-22. Such situation will breed inconsistency and confusion that may sink the faith of many. Proverb 25:26. God’s judgment will definitely come upon whoever permits such offences and reproach. Matthew 18:7, Mark 9:42.
  • The end of such individual and church that quench or loss revival fire is made bitter and worse than the beginning! Such may have name by past exploits, but are dead in the present sense!
  • This was the case of Laodecean church: church that has lost her savour! Though increase in number, in goods and are self-sufficient, yet are miserable, blind, poor and naked concerning God’s inspiration and riches. It is a dangerous case and repentance is their only remedy. Revelation 3:14-19.
  • God’s anger is provoked whenever revival fire is quenched as observed with Adam and Eve! Genesis 3:16, 17. God’s presence is withdrawn as heaven got closed. Deuteronomy 11:16-17. These goes with loss of God’s promises, privileges and divine possibilities. Calamities, hardship, captivities, fruitless labours and many other vices may be associated with loss of revival fire. Proverb 1:24-33.
  • A Wicked generation emerges when revival fire is gone. Every legacy of the Providence enjoyed in the era of revival is quickly eroded as sin reigns! Genesis 41:29-31; Proverb 14:34.
  • However prosperous a nation is without fear of God and righteousness, it is a matter of time. Like Babylon of old time, its iniquity will swallow it up. Revelation 18:21. Revival and righteousness is God’s ordained means for the prosperities of nations. Job 8:5-7.

 Therefore, when one abides in Christ, and the Holy Spirit guides, revival will endure to the very end. Matthew 28:18-20. The church has every support of heaven to blossom as in the life and time of Elijah, Nehemiah, Joseph and Apostles of old. Act 15:9. 

  • As God is set to rain revival upon our Church as we passionately seek and knock at the door of throne of grace, we must prepare to keep and preserve revival fire burning to glorify God in our generation. John 1:5.

 _________________________________________________  CONGREGATIONAL HYMNGIVE ME A DOUBLE PORTION 

  • Long ago in days of old, stood a man of God we're told
  • As he talked to Elijah that day;
    His request he did repeat, standing at Elijah's feet,
    "A double portion" I can hear him say

  • Give me, Lord, a double portion, pour Thy Spirit on me,
    Thru eyes of faith Thy wondrous works I can see,
    But I need Thy helping hand, in this troubled, sinful land,
    Give me, Lord, a double portion from Thee.

  • As Elijah stood that day, to Elisha he did say,
    "Ask me what I shall do unto thee,"
    And Elisha then replied, walking at Elijah's side,
    "A double portion, let it fall on me."

  • Lord, I always to Thee, pray, just for strength from day to day,
    But I see there's so much to be done,
    That I have to kneel anew and this favor ask of you,
    A double portion -- this fight must be won.
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