3 min read


The Importance of Fire in Revival

Exodus 3:2-4, Zechariah 13:9, Matthew 3:8-12. 

Memory Verse: “The Lord God is the Sun and Shield: the Lord will give grace and glory no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly” Psalm 84:11.            

Revival is like the burning fire of the sun! With this flaming fire comes so many possibilities and benefits that are otherwise impossible to have or experience.           

 In summary according to Psalm 84:11, the fire will make three things available to mankind. (1)Grace:  Titus 2:11 (2) Glory: Colossian 1:27 (3) Good things:  1Corinthians 2:9. Revival fire God-inspired means of making heavenly riches available to everyone that believe, who in turn should be a connecting point to those in darkness to come to the light of Christ.   

The Importance of Fire in Revival: 

2 Kings 18:22, 36-40, Act 2:1-8.

  • As important as the sun is to the earth; for heat, light and life of all living creatures, so is divine fire to spiritual life. The rising of the sun indicates a new day, so is divine fire sent from above.  John 1:3-5.
  • Fire has power to change, convert and transform from old state to new state. Revival fire can make a saint out of an ardent sinner! Act 9:3-6.
  • Fire can melt, break and softens! Isaiah 1:25
  • Fire separates the good from the bad. It refines to genuineness. Malachi 3:3.
  • Fire illuminates i.e. it gives forth light for vision and clarity. John 9:3-5, 15
  • Fire can burn, consume and destroy. Hebrew 12:26-29, 1:7.
  • The Holy Spirit of God is a divine fire brand! Nothing on earth can resist or withstand His power. Matthew 3:11,12.

    Examples of Fire At Work In Revival.
  • Moses conversion, call and commission were born out of revival fire on Mount Horeb. Exodus 3:1-12. The response of Moses to this revival flame affected Egypt, Israel eternal destiny and the world at large till date! Judges 6:13; Act 7:33-38. God is still doing the same today.
  • Samuel birth, call and commission to prophetic mandate was initiated by revival fire of prayer! 1 Samuel 1:9-20, 3:1-10. In little faith, little obedience, little prayer and consecration. Great revival fire can always spark up! The fire from Hannah, through Samuel brought Saul and David to the throne to set Israel to fulfill God’s purpose. Act 13:36. The small fire in your heart rightly directed can affect the whole world!
  • Fire of faith, hope and love in Ruth brought great revival, upon humanity! Ruth 1:16, 4:13-7. Our Lord Jesus came through the lineage of David with Ruth as matriarch! Your prayers, witnessing to souls, services to God no matter how little can bring great blessings to many. Matthew 18:10
  • Fire of truth and prophecy burned in Jeremiah! Though with suffering, he proclaimed God’s word to bring Israel to restoration from captivity to sin, idolatry and Persian tyranny. Jeremiah 5:14; 20:9; 23:29.
  •      In spite of corruption and worldliness, even in churches today, we can be God’s mouthpiece for truth and sound doctrine that will liberate the world to true worship and eternal glory. Daniel 9:1-3.
  • The fire of consecration and righteousness in John the Baptist was so great, that it prepared the way for the coming of Christ, the Messiah! John 1:22-34. Without fear or favour he confronted the world with need to repent from sin. Matthew. 3:5-10. He challenged King Herod to righteous deed, even at great cost. What a fire! Luke 3:17-20.
  • Fire of prayer and baptism at Pentecost came upon the Apostles. Act 18:14; 2:1-7. The effect and the power is what we enjoy today. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and fire. Light of God’s revelation came upon them. Epistles were written as multitudes were saved and churches planted. 1Thessalonians 1:1-7. Miracles with diverse signs and gifts of the Holy Ghost came upon men! 1Corinthians 12:1-11.
  •      This fire is there for the whole world to experience today. Hebrew 13:8. It is the only hope for transformation to godly living for which Christ died to give to all. 1 Timothy 2:4-8.

  • Fire Of Great Awakenings: 
  • Revivals and great evangelical work as in Martin Luther who fought the delusion of Roman Catholic papacy.
  • John Huss who brought Bible alive to church of his time at the cost of his life (He was burnt at the stake!)
  • Fire in the brethren in small fellowship of “the holy club” where Charles, John Wesley and Whitefield, was Seasoned!
  • Fire of awakenings in Charles Finney, Billy Sunday, Charles Spurgeon and hundreds of others who turn their world around!
  •      In our contemporary time, this same fire made people like Ayo Babalola, Kumuyi and Daddy Olusegun Tubi to consecrate so much, not minding their comfort and personal interest to see that God’s kingdom is advanced! Act 15:25, 26; 1 Peter 4:13; 5:1
  •      Your name as well can be written in glory as your life becomes a burning and shining fire for Christ. John 5:33-35.


1.          Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame, Send the fire! Thy blood-bought gift today we claim, Send the fire! Look down and see this waiting host, Give us the promised Holy Ghost, We want another Pentecost, Send the fire! 

2.         God of Elijah, hear our cry: Send the fire! To make us fit to live or die, Send the fire! To burn up every trace of sin, To bring the light and glory in, The revolution now begin, Send the fire! 

3.         ’Tis fire we want, for fire we plead, Send the fire! The fire will meet our every need, Send the fire! For strength to ever do the right, For grace to conquer in the fight. For power to walk the world in white, Send the fire! 

4.         To make our weak hearts strong and brave, Send the fire! To live a dying world to save, Send the fire! O see us on thy altar lay Our lives, our all, this very day, To crown the offering now we pray, Send the fire!

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