3 min read

I Kings 191-7, Jeremiah 15:11, 20; 8-18, Luke 26:71-75, 2 Samuel 17:23 1 Kings 18:1-24                 

The malaise of depression exempts no one; even our Lord Jesus was attacked by it but refused to give in!  The attitude you put on and confront every situation with is what determines whether you will be a victor or victim. Attitude is determined and helped by knowledge of the truth.  In this study, therefore, we shall consider those weapons that can trap a soul into the pit and grip of depression and discouragement. 

  • Ignorance of the Truth: John 8:32 Ps. 43:3:  Knowledge of the truth and faith is light. It removes doubt, lies and errors.  Jacob mourned Joseph for over a decade, living in sadness and tears! The day the news of Joseph true state in Egypt came, the scripture says his heart was revived.  Genesis 45:27. Ignorance of God’s word, will, promises and power can dampen man’s spirit keeping it in bondage to Satan assault and unnecessary adversity.
  • Lies and heresies: Genesis 3:1-7, Proverbs 21-27.  Satan method often is to wrap poison with honey coat, and package vanity with a golden overlay! HIS attempt is to trap and subject man to slavery.  Always beware of anything that promises easy way-out to success and pleasure.  The lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life work best on those who are unsound and unstable! Satan will use lies and all sorts of tricks to entice and enslave the upright.  Beware! Proverbs 1:10.  Eve wanted wisdom and higher status at the expense of God command! The end result was shame and depression. Genesis 3:1-10.
  • Fear: I John 4:18, 2 Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 2:15 Fear casts into bondage!  The mind of man is a wonder of God creation.  It has capacity to deliver the thoughts that are filed into it.  When filled with thoughts of fear, doubt and failure, the totality of man is affected, zeal becomes damped, energy lowered, vision blurred and future possibilities bleak.  Rather than concentrating on negativity i.e. counting your loses, hanging on your past mistakes and blaming your ordeal on whatsoever, you need to know that both day and night were made for your good when a life is in God’s hand as a potter. He can bring the best from worst wreckage and for those who love God, all things shall work together for good Jeremiah 18:1-6. Romans 8:28.
  • Anxiety: Romans 1:10-16, Matthew 6:31-34: Anxiety overlays the mind with unpleasant consciousness, apprehension and obsession.  It fills the mind with concerns that are not necessary.  Many children of God are bothered with unrealistic burdens about tomorrow.  Opah was in doubt of future sustenance as posed by the questions of Naomi. Ruth 1:8-14.  Her decision was influenced by fear of tomorrow!  Whereas Ruth based her decision on the ability of God of Israel to provide and sustain. At the end, her faith won her the victory! It is better to trust than to fret.  Psalm 37:3-7
  • Adversity: Proverbs 24:10, Isaiah 29:21, Romans 8:28-32. Abraham experienced famine and went down to Egypt with attending loses Genesis 12:10-20. Similar famine arose in the days of Isaac that brought him fortune at the end!  Gen 26:1-13. Abraham was full of fear and anxiety in his adversity.  The result was loses, bondage and loss of integrity.  When things are difficult, take hold of God word, trust and pray.  Hear and obey his directive like Isaac, the victory will be sure.
  • Carelessness in victory: I Timothy 3:6; 6:9-11- Success is good, victory is precious. Both are things to be desired.  Failure to manage both well can throw one unto the pit of depression. Hamman was a good example.  His elevation generated arrogance in his heart to knock his head against the stone of Israel! The case of Modecai gave him sleepless night and unnecessary burden that brought his ruin! In time of success, promotion or victory, as conquerors, one must always take caution.
  • Life given over to complaint and agitationsJob 16:1-22, Genesis 4:5-8. Complaint, agitation and bitterness are not helpful.  It makes the souls sore and distressed.  Rather than alleviating the pains it makes the victim hateful to the acquaintances.  Complaint and agitation originates the Devil! Isa. 14:12-15. When cut in its web, it makes life tedious and boring. The result is depression with all the attending weariness, loss of joy, strength and productivity.  As a child of God, do everything to avoid it. Proverbs 21:19, Galatians 5:22.

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