2 min read

 Genesis 3:1-8 

The story of the life of Adam and Eve, the grandparents of mankind still rings bell down the ages. Major religions of the world attest to the reality of the story in different perspectives. One thing remains a valid and strong point to reckon with, this couple played into the Tempters hand!  The dent, shame and regret that followed cost not only mankind but God a great deal! Had Adam and Eve painstakingly handled situation and succeeded in the temptation, a great name, a great place in glory, possibly next to Jesus would have been accorded to them!  What you gain by succumbing to temptation is nothing to be compared with honour that goes with getting the Victory. Be prayerful, careful and courageous therefore to be on the winning side of God (i.e. doing  the right thing, to please Him) all the time.


1. Every temptation can be overcome, however tricky, difficult or pressing. 1 Corinthians 10:13. Every saved soul is indwelled by God.  Redemption provides such with capability to choose and do that which is right and acceptable in the sight of God. Isaiah 7:15. 

2. Genuine encounter with Christ leading to repentance and Salvation is needful to overcome temptation. Genuine salvation with real transformation after forsaking sin to follow the Lord Jesus is very cogent. Galatians 2:20. You cannot fight and overcome temptation from Satan with the arm of flesh. Luke 31-34. Grace, knowledge of truth and determination to follow and obey God fully form the anchor of victory. Ephesians 6:10-18.1 

3. Satan is the true source of temptations, and no one is exempted from its sting. Even our Lord Jesus Christ was tempted. Luke 4:1-14. Yet, in most cases Satan disguises and work through medium! For Eve, it was through serpent. For Joseph it was through Portiphar’s wife! Genesis 39:7-12. For Christ at a time, Satan engages Peter to work through! Matthew 16:22,23. The medium that is most likely to succeed is the adversary best choice. We therefore soberness and vigilance to secure victory as in 1Peter 5:8,9. 

4. God does not tempt anyone with evil. James 1:13. He will not lead you into temptations also. As the Shepherd, He leads His own in the path of righteousness. Psalm 23:1-3. Yet, God trusted that temptation does not match grace in term of power and efficacy! He can allow it, with firm assurance that you will employ every resources grace and truth will afford you to successfully deal with it and overcome like Daniel!  Daniel 1:8-20.

 5. Overcoming temptation is a personal choice and responsibility. You need to purpose in your heart like Daniel, as in Daniel 1:8 or surrender to give in to the temptation like Eve! Genesis 3:6. Time will always be enough for you to ponder and engage your conscience to take either right or wrong decision! Whatever you choose to do, you cannot blame anyone or have excuses with God. He will hold you responsible for your choice and attending consequences. Genesis 3:11-19; 39:7-9. 

6. To choose to fall into temptation (Satan's hand) is the worst thing a believer can do! Hebrew 12:15-17. It de-robes believers the linen of righteousness. It rips off believer’s power. It dethrones from grace to grass. It covers with shame and depravity! Adam after the fall went into hiding from God’s presence because good conscience before God was gone. Every believer in Christ must do everything to overcome temptation. 2 Samuel 12:7-13; 16:5-11. 

7. The overcomer has everything to gain! Revelation 3:5,12,21. Victory over temptation is a sign of diligently following the Master. It is a sure sign of maturity and seriousness with your faith. Christ will be proud of you as well as His body, the Church. Your life becomes a great encouragement to every pilgrim on the way. You will not only win prizes but also a name for yourself as Joseph, Daniel,  John Bunyan and the rest whose names ring bells in the conqueror's hall of fame as victorious faithful. May you decide to overcome always, as we go through this series of study. Jude 1:24.  Amen.

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