2 min read


Job 38:1-10, 40:1-5, 42:1-10; 2 Corinthians 5:17 Philippians 4;4, Hebrew 12:1-3, Luke 23:33, 34           

 The reasons for depression are many; even more than had been mentioned in our past studies.  For some, it is betrayal, divorce, loneliness, poverty, sickness, unemployment, wayward children, reckless husband or wife, social injustice and so on. Whatever the cause may be, it is important to know that Christ and the faith in Him form the solution to all malaise and challenges that man faces.  In Christ word, He said: “I am the way, the truth and the life” John 14:6 Also, He said “the thief cometh not, but to steal, and to kill and to destroy: I am Come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” John 10:10.  Many will say, but I am a Christian, yet the sign of depression is there!  Until you know your right and activate the potential victory Christ has given you, Satan will try to keep you subjected.  Romans 8:18-21. 


  • Genuine conversion and abiding in Christ the Vine: John 15:1-10, 2Corinthians 15:17. Rebirth in Christ implants the seed of new life into a soul.  It makes God likeness possible.  With Christ within, depression cannot thrive and bear fruit. I John 3:8.
  • Quicken your heart and spirit by the living word of God.  Psalm 119-50 Romans 8:11 John 6:63.  When cast down in your soul, then go to the Oracle of God (the Word) like David  I Samuel 30:1-19. You will be surprised by the attending revival and victory.
  • Wait upon God in prayer and hope for a change.  Psalm 42:1-11. Isaiah 40:27-31.  Prayer of faith brings light to darkness.  Elijah was wise to talk to God about his depression and discouragement I Kings 19:1-21.  Though he had expected death, God brought him unexpected solutions that enabled him to fulfil his calling and worked to the end of his ministry exceptionally successful! The best to do in adversity is to wait on God. Isaiah 40:27-32.
  • Share your burden with somebody that can help you.  Luke 1:34-45.  The Angel had come to commission Mary with humanly impossible task: Her mind burgling question was “how shall this thing be”.  Then she heard that Elizabeth was pregnant at old age, she chose to find out how in order to encourage herself.  Lesson: No problem is without possible solution. “A shared problem is a solved problem”.  Luke 1:37.
  • Avoid taking to wrong counsel, bad option and decision in time of adversity: Job 1:20-22, 2:9, 10; I Thessalonians 5:18.  Job was smart in moving to God righteous side and abiding therein.  He knew for him to live and to die is unto God. Any counsel, action or word that moves believers against God or His word must be discountenanced.  Believers must know that their true security is when they abide in the secret place of the Most High and not outside it Psalm 91:1-14.
  • Look and hope for the best not the worst.  Job 19:23-27, 23:1-10-12 1Samuel 38:1-22.  The change that came upon Job was not accidental; he prayed for it, expected it and trusted God for it.  Hezekiah got the verdict of death and even such from God! Yet, through faith and strong earnest desire to live, he got the death verdict changed to live and enjoy more life!  Your sense of imagination is powerful, when it is fed with positive, lively and fruitful expectations, your life experience will oscillate and move towards victory and success.
  • Be Cautious in victory.  Give thanks to God in every situation and keep your joy in the Lord (Deuteronomy 8:10-18, Jeremiah 9:23, 24 Galatians 5:22-23 Philippians 4:4). A thoughtful believer will always find reason to thank God.  Your success is not just yours but God-enabled and victory-enabled.  Let your rejoicing be in God and not in your accomplishments. Possession can go, riches can fly away, position can be lost, job can be lost, just name it! God is the only immovable Movers. All He requires from us in every situation is worship, reverence and praise.  Whatever is your state of affairs, trust and upright walk with Him will yield joyful result and reward. So be lively, hopeful and expectant in Christ. Never give room to depression and discouragement. (Read Psalm 84:1-12). Amen
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