3 min read


Texts:   Genesis 1:29; Hebrew 6:7, John 15:4-8; Mathew 13:8.

 It is very striking to observe that one of the core purposes of God for creation is FRUITFULNESS! He said "be fruitful and multiply" - Genesis 1:28.  Fruit in God concept means: (a) A fulfilled purpose and expectations. (b) The accomplishments of intended and planned end result. (c) Discrete and tangible outcome of a process and effort. Psalm 104:13.             The question is why does the Vine exist? To cumber or burden the ground in vain? Definitely not at all! The sole interest is to bring forth fruits to the glory of God. God in His wisdom taught Adam that fruit bearing is not an idle expectation. Decisive and tangible work must go into it, even as He instructed Adam in Genesis 2:15, "And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it".     What a revelation!  Adam was not to expect fruit without work, even before the fall! 


As individual Christian, and as Church of Christ in the world, God expects and awaits our earnest and precious fruits. How can we encourage and facilitate the fruit bearing process? 

  • Growth must be the first focus. 2Peter 3:18. Adam was instructed to keep and dress the garden for the purpose of growth. Genesis 2:15. This is because there are many environmental factors in terms of weed (tares) and predators that will naturally compete to destroy the vine! Malachi 3:11. To help the growth: See Isaiah 5:2,  (a)The vine must be kept clean, so is your heart; (b)It must be fenced to defend it, same is your faith. (c) It must be watched over, so is your life! (d)It must be watered, so as to keep it fresh and blossom. 1 Corinthians 3:6. (e) Then, you must trust God for increase.
  • Maturity is very necessary for fruit bearing! Psalm 107:37: This, for natural vine requires time, feeding, nourishing, and maintenance. Discipleship is God ordained means for spiritual maturity. Galatians 4:19. As seen in Christ, (a) Time must be spent with Lord for personal nourishment.(b) Time must be spent with converts to nourish, teach, guide, develop and build them Mark 3:12-15. (b) Exposure to trials and training at different capacity are necessary tools to mature the saints.(c)Viable and conducive enabling environment must be created as well. Genesis 8:22. Love, fellowship, truth, motivated godly example will fast-track maturity for fruit bearing process. Ephesians 4:15,16.
  • The fruit is so important, in that, it provides a parental role for the seed. Genesis 1:29. The future of every life is in the seed! Where fruitfulness is jettisoned, the future of such life is sacrificed for today. What a foolish venture? Christ knew this, hence, He laid great emphasis on fruitfulness: John 15:2, says: "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit". God plants a great future in every life He redeemed, your fruitfulness in Christ is the key that opens the door to that great future ahead to expand God’s kingdom to His glory! Genesis 18:19; 26:3, 24.
  • God desires multiplication of the vine’s fruits to cover the entire world! Matthew 28:19,20. Vine farmers keep and preserve precious seed to be sown for the purpose of propagations. Psalm 126:6. (a) A fruitful Church must cherish the word of God (The seed). (b) A fruitful Church must engage in thorough preparation of the ground for cultivation through fervent and prevailing prayer. This opens the door of faith in sinner’s heart to receive Christ with eagerness and commitment. Acts 14:27.  (c) A fruitful Church must embrace aggressive evangelism. When the Holy Spirit leads the way, ready souls are connected, the resulting transformation of evangelized and saved souls are amazing!
  • To bear much fruits, there must be continual pruning and purging of the vine branches. John 15:2-4. Excrescence (i.e. abnormal outgrowths) must be removed from the vine to ensure concentration on fruit bearing! A Church given over to unimportant preoccupations will lose focus on productivity!  Christ heart-cry is fruitfulness. John 15:16; The purging of the vine is God’s wisdom to curb excesses, boost awareness of the need to reach out to the perishing world amidst contesting  forces and competitive  hindrances. Proverb 11:30. Fruit bearing must be our chief focus as individuals and the Church.
  • The nature and type of the fruit one bears is important to God! Isaiah 5:3,4. Note: (a) A fruit can be bitter! Deuteronomy 32:32,33. (b) Fruits can be sweet. Judges 9:13; Song of Solomon 2:3. (c) Fruit can be corrupt and evil. Matthew 7:17. (d)Fruits can be good! James 3:17. When a soul abides in the true vine, the resultant fruits are good, wonderful and precious in God's sight. James 5:7.
  • The fruits borne indicate the type, prove the worth and eternal destiny of every believer. Check list for truly abiding believers’ fruits: (a) Fruit of repentance. Luke 3:8; (b)Fruit of righteousness(integrity) Philippians 1:11. (c) Fruit of the Spirit (gracious Holy Ghost imparted character). Galatians 5:22.(d) Fruit of mouth (salted speech). Proverbs 13:2; (e) Fruit of quality performance. Jeremiah 17:10. (f) Fruit of patience to perfection Luke 8:14-15; (g) Fruit of soul winning. Proverb 11:30.   (h) Fruit unto eternal life John 4:36. Which of these fruits are manifesting in your life presently? Pray for GRACE to abide and bear more fruits. Amen.
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