3 min read

TEXT: Mark 1:1-45. MEMORY VERSE: Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins. James 5:19-20.     

Undoubtedly, the book of Mark ignites us as believers to the highest need of the proclamation of the gospel of Christ to the dying world! Just like John was chosen to prepare the way and proclaim the gospel to the people of his time as in Mark 1:2-5, so are we chosen today to do the same to those living in our generation! It is interesting to note that the gospel by Mark opens with emphasis on evangelism: "And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men." (Mark 1:17). It equally closes with the same call to go all the way, to ensure that the gospel is preached to everyone at whatever cost! "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."  John Mark heart beat and passion towards soulwinnig as spelt out in this gospel is understandable from his close alliance with Paul and Barnabas. Their burning zeal for salvation of souls transformed the gentiles nations or rather turned the world upside down for Christ! God expect nothing less from us. 

THE NECESSITY OF SAVING THE DYING SOULS! MARK 1:1-20.    Every believer irrespective of the giftings are called to preach the gospel. Interestingly, the gospel is simply witnessing about Christ and His love for humanity which resulted in His sacrificial death on the cross for mankind redemption! It was crowned with His ressurrection to life as the basis of hope of eternal life to all who are saved. The testimony of Christ is to be borne with all joy and excitement. The love of Christ must persuade us to share Salvation message with every sinner’s arround us: 

1. Jesus primary assignment was evangelism as seen in Mark 1:14-20. This was done on intention to show us the priority of soul winning. No services or activities will make much sense to God if it bears no correlation to salvation of souls. 

2. Repentance is acknowledgement of sin and turning away from sin on the merit of forgiveness through faith in Christ. This must be the core content of salvation message as exemplified by Christ. Mark 1:14-16. Every attraction to Christ voids of this valid ingredient will produce utter disappointment in the end! The old things must pass away, newness of spirit, lifestyle and character must be the outcome. 

3. Salvation is the work of Christ through the Holy Spirit in a soul. Dependence on personal whims, oration, diction, spirituality and self merit will fail. Christ will effectively win souls as in the days of His flesh in those who absolutely trust Him for it. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! Mark 1:17-21. 

4. Personal prayer and consecration in seeking God to work through us as His vessel will enhance soul winning with results. Notes: Jesus first gave Himself to seeking God in prayer and fasting (Mark 1:12-13). He prevailed over forces of darkness. No wonder, Peter, Andrew, Philip couldn’t object but yielded to His salvation message.    To have same result as Christ had, we must return to the Power House of Prayer. 

5. The gospel must not be void of demonstration of the power of God! This is where holiness of life of the gospeller counts. Christ preaching was with authority and power in: (i) Casting out evil spirits, (ii) Healing (iii) Miracles that produced great faith and acceptance to the gospel in the hearers. Mark 1:22-34. The world is waiting for men with proof that Christ is still alive today. 

6. Fame, people pressure and wishes were not allowed to influence Jesus personal assignment and sense of priority. Mark 1:35-44. Today, pride as a result of little success in soulwinnig is repressing fruitful evangelism. When we learn humility, brokenness and real sense of sorrow for the loss rather than bragging over past success, God will honour our work with great harvest of souls for His own glory! 

7. Fruitful evangelism is the only way to preserve the work of Christ in all generations. The gospel is a race with baton for the next active responders! Should the baton drop down with no one to take over? Then, we will be missing God great plan for humanity! Jesus did not only preach to save Peter. He saved him with a mandate to grow, groom and graduate into active life of soul winning (Mark 1:17,18).This must be every soul winners aim. To preach to save souls, who will in turn save others is our mandate! Mark16:15.  "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also’. 2 Timothy 2:2. Amen.   


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