3 min read



Texts:   Matthew 13:47-51; Galatians 6:7,8; 1Corinthians 3:10-16.  

The vine fruit gives grapes and wine that cheer God and man Judges 9:13. Every husbandman patiently awaits the fruit with a deep sense of eagerness and excitement James 5:7. In the same manner, the Lord is looking forward to the fruits and harvest of every believer! The good fruits are gathered and preserved; the chaffs are burned in unquenchable fire! Matthew 3:12.  

FRUITS HARVEST AND PRESERVATION TO LIFE ETERNAL!-      The grace of God is not meant to be received in vain! 2 Corinthians 6:1. The Lord of the harvest will judge every man work, of what sort it is. Hebrew 6:7,8. Everyone fortunate branch of the vine,  must  consider the cost of the riches of grace and the great love bestowed by God in His son Jesus, to be partakers of heavenly inheritance and  glory 1Peter 1:3,4. Wisdom, gratitude and sense of responsibility must therefore prompt everyone truly in Christ to labour in love to give "fruitful and faithful service" to Christ as treasured pearls to God, and for eternal reward. 

  • Whatever a believer does must be done in the light of eternity!  Just imagine you are standing before the Lord today to give account of your stewardship! The motivation to bear good fruits should go beyond reward. The love that found, saved, grew and nurtured up in grace must propel to give fruits in return. If Christ so much loves, and gives so much! Then you must give Him your best. Luke 6:38.
  • Not all activities are considered as acceptable service by the Lord! Matthew 7:21; Romans 16:18. The fig that cumbered the ground but without fruits was rejected by the Lord. Though it grew big, produced lustre leaves, occupied space and position. Yet, no acceptable good fruit! Luke 11:12-14,21. God expect specific fruit from you base on your gifting. In proportion of grace received and in quality, strive to give your best. Philippians 1:27; Colossians 1:27-29.
  • Harvest comes in two parts (the wheat and the chaffs). Both are products of labour, but one is considered precious and preserved, the other is rejected and cast away! Matthew 1:12. God’s verdict will not change! With Him there is no respect of person. Substandard, defect and bad harvest, God will not accept from any man. Malachi 1:6-8.
  • Time is a big issue and a determining factor in harvest. Delay and slothfulness can mean big losses! John 4:34-38. It displeases the Lord today how much time, money and efforts are given in the Church to things of no eternal value! The Church today is busy building mansions for convenience and comfort at the expense of mission work!  Worship services are filled up but the fields of souls winning are depleted. God will prefer effective labour to harvest the perishing souls; than sweet praises, but with disdain to the great commission Acts 1:8.
  • The fruit of our labour must be preserved in Christ Jesus to the end. Matthew 13:47,48. Unprocessed and unpreserved fruit is nothing but labour lost! (A waste of time and resources). If every soul brought to Christ today is nurtured up to stand and blossom in grace, the whole world would be nearly converted! Too many of our harvests are left to rot and lost. Follow up, Discipleship and equipment of converts to grow to Christ full stature are sure ways to establishment and preservation in Christ. Ephesians 4:10-16; Galatians 4:19.
  • The true Church of Christ must rise up to make a difference! Jude 1:20-25. In our world today, every attempt is being made by the evil and selfish charlatans to redefine the purpose, vision and mission of the Church to the peril of many 2 Timothy 3:1-8. Money has replaced message of salvation! Breakthrough testimonies have replaced tears and sorrow for sins and repentance. No mention of hell and heaven on many pulpits again!  Occultic power now stands to replace power of the Holy Spirit on many altars! God requires true and enduring fruits from every child of God to contend for real faith 3John 1:4.
  • Fruit unto eternal life is singular’s God’s expectation! Anything less is dross, and will be thoroughly purged away. Revelation 21.26,27. Have you ever taken time to access your life? The type, amount, and quality of your fruits: (a) souls won, (b)good work done, (c)services rendered and (d)your contributions to promote God kingdom. A sincere assessment of this nature might kindle fire of repentance, zeal and revival in your heart to give your best. Romans 12:1,2. 2Corinthians 13:5. Pray for grace to be and remain a fruitful branch of the vine. John 15:8,14. Amen.

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