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March 15: SAVED TO SAVE AND SERVE OTHERS.(Part 2).      study 9.

TEXT: Mark 3:1-20 MEMORY VERSE: Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart. 2Corinthians 3:2-3    The Psalmist said in Psalm 22:30,"A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation."  Your seed in Christ is meant by which every generation can be reached and redeemed. Nature has a way of transferring itself into the next generation. This is why cat remains cat, and goat will remain goat!  Christ came to produce a generation of godly seeds that show forth Christ life and nature on earth to God's praise and glory! The seed of corruption and depravity is removed when the inner spirit of man is regenerated.  Apart from the genetic composition which is transferred from one generation to another, there is the important aspect of brooding over the young offspring that models the young infants after the parents. This, in spiritual sense is called discipleship. Jesus lived His daily life before the saved and chosen disciples to form and translates them into his own image.  DISCIPLESHIP - GOD'S MEANS OF RAISING SOULWINNERS!      Mark 3:13-19.   Jesus has the whole world as His target, yet He taught us soul winning as the act of fishing. Wither by hook or net, a fisherman knows he cannot cover the sea at a single throw! He will concentrate at a point, and at a catch at once. Mark 1:16. He will take time to sort and preserve that which is caught for a fulfilling venture! Passion and zeal for soul' salvation are good, but there must be well planned scheme to achieve God's lasting purpose of ensuring the soul's spiritual growth, health, maturity, functionality and fruitfulness. All these depend on the wisdom and work of the soul winner.  How then do we go about helping our converts to be a model of Christ real disciple? 1. Jesus method is to have a predetermined purpose, plan and focus for each soul! Right from the onset, he will communicate this glorious purpose and make it a yearning passion of each disciple. Mark 1:17. It has always been God's way of preparing future stalwarts of faith as seen in Joseph (Genesis 37:5-10) and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-5). Jesus sees in every saved soul a great future that is open before them and would work assiduously to make it a reality! 2. Jesus associated closely with the saved souls without discrimination! Mark 1:14. Relationship is key in helping soul’s development into Christ's image. A soul winner must introduce Christ to the convert to build a Christ centered life through the lively word of God and practical relating with a worthy disciple. Sense of personal pride and self Importance will only build gaps that will hinder the discipleship process. Soul winners must learn to bend low so as   to carry and lift up the converts. 3. Jesus lived His life daily before the disciples. Nothing hidden, nothing questionable about Christ life to His seeking followers, except the wonders of His gracious life! Mark 4:10,11. He prayed, preached, taught, walked the streets, ate, worked miracles, slept inside ship, thirsted and hungered, died on the cross and eventually resurrected in their presence etc. He is emulable in all respect.  Your closeness and humble disposition as a disciple will not make you less in honour, rather it will elevate you to a height of eminence in God's sight. Be ready like Paul to be all things to your converts(friend, counsellor, confidant, model etc) so as to mold and gain them for Christ.     4. Jesus loved his disciples indeed! Mark 2:30-32. Love builds trust, respect, sense of true followership, loyalty and devotion. Christ prompt response to Peter's mother in-law emergency is noteworthy. What a heart for His followers! As soul winners and disciplers, your concern and considerate disposition towards the young faithful believers can seal a lifelong commitment to Christ and His Church. 5. Jesus at the right time exposed His converts to the high standard and demand of discipleship. Mark 8:32-38. No reliable, strong and profitable disciples can be groomed at milk and honey premise! Soldiers and opera artists are not trained same way. The cost and bargain of the high calling of Christ must be laid bare to all.  When individuals know that the worth, gains and prize at last will outweigh the present tussles, the mind is made up to pay the price! Philippians 3:7-14. 6. Jesus believed in the effectuality of His means of raising disciples as well as in the person of His disciples! Mark 4:30-33. Imagine the type and nature of such disciples as Thomas: His doubts, hesitant stance, and argumentative dispositions! Yet, these were no barriers to Christ molding scheme. Against hope, He hoped over Thomas till he convincingly exclaimed to Christ -"My Lord and my God!" John 20:28. How ready are you to endure patiently with slow or abrupt disciples? Faith and hope through grace can bring the best out of anyone. 7. Lastly, Jesus is all that He wanted His disciples to be. John 15:7-15.  Hypocrisy has no place in Christ. To lead others to Christ likeness, you must press towards being all that Christ wants you to become. His grace is sufficient for all that trust Him and labour in helping others to love, save and build them to serve Him acceptably. Amen. 


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