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Every disobedience to God’s command will attract judgment and proportionate punishment! But a willing heart, ready to learn, know and obey God’s ordinances will enjoy God’s goodness and pleasures forever. Isaiah 1:19. A lot of wars, heartaches, headaches, pains, sickness and sorrows with all the attendant troubles can be avoided, when the law of love and forgiveness is embraced and heeded. The heart, the home, the church and the society as a whole will experience peace, health, power and progress when we all learn to forgive and walk in love Romans 12:17-21.

Dangers Associated With Unforgiveness

Genesis 4:8, Genesis 27:41. 1 Samuel 22:6-19. Hebrew 12:14-15.

  • Primarily the root cause of unforgiveness is offence. Romans 5:17. Offence can come in many forms and can be peculiar to individual, To Cain, Abel offering was preferred and his place as the eldest was threatened! Genesis 4:1-8. For Esau, Jacob stole his birthright and cheated on his blessings. Genesis 27:41. As for Joseph brothers, dream, righteous stand, and Jacob’s preference generated envy and hatred which they find hard to forgive. Genesis 37:8. Saul wanted to kill David because of his success and fame. 1 Samuel 18:6-8. Also David wanted to kill Nabal for refusing his demand for help in time of need! 1 Samuel 25:5-13. Today issues like gossip, backbiting, misunderstanding, trespasses, insult, undermining of others, disagreement on issues, and competitions for positions, failed expectations e. t. c can be the causes of offence. Proverb. 6:16-19 Giving offence must be avoided. 2 Corinthians 6:3 Philippians 1:10.
  • When the offences and the root cause of such are not identified and dealt with, it will breed bitterness, aggressions, anger, hatred and all sorts of evil work! James 3:12-16. Hosea 5:15. The result of harbored offences and grievances could be destructive! Proverb 18:19 Such circumstances become an instrument in the hand of the devil to achieve his three fold nefarious end! That is steal peace of mind, kill good relationship, John 10:10 and destroy holiness!
  • In most cases, the person who fails to forgive due to harboured offences suffer most! Isaiah 48:22. He loses his peace, get psychological trauma; becomes bitter, agitated, restless and unsettled especially when it gets well with the other party, as in the case of Saul with David! 1 Samuel 24:1-22. Unforgiveness is a cancer; it will make you suffer unnecessarily!
  • Relationship suffers serious setbacks and atmosphere turns hostile with unforgiving spirit. Genesis 32:6-8. At home marriage becomes sour. At work, working relationship gets difficult. If in the church, the Holy Spirit is grieved and all the work of grace is hindered! Romans 13:12-14.
  • Satan will do everything to promote unforgiveness. Job 2:9-10. The demons and flesh become so active with unforgiving life. Presumptions, assumptions, interpretations and all sorts of prejudice are carnally promoted. Psalm 19:12-14 Then, the righteous garment of the saint can be easily stained! Hence the warning to flee every appearance of evil, one of which is unforgiving spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:22. Colossians 3:13.
  • Defiled and seared conscience is associated with unforgiving spirit. Such victims are loaded with apparent reasons and evidence to defend and justify their sinful stand! In Genesis 4:13, Cain defiantly said. “My punishment is greater than I can bear” To him God’s Judgment is partial or unjustified! However right your position may appear to be in that state of unforgiveness, pray for a broken spirit, acknowledge your sinful state and ask God for grace to take step to forgive. Hosea 5:15, 6:1-3. Otherwise it will take the victim to hell! Matthew 8:34-35.

 Christ has broken the yoke of unforgiving Spirit on the cross! Luke 23:34. As a believer in Christ, the word of God must dwell in you richly! Colossian 3:14-16. Just as Christ gave His blood and forgives all sin and trespasses even when we were yet in sin, so must a child of God forgive whosoever and whatsoever offence or misdeed. Romans 5:6-11. Ephesians 4:32. God’s grace is sufficient for you. Zechariah 4:6-7. Amen.

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