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Luke 15:17-24. Job 42:10. Genesis 50:15-21. Matthew 6:14

Obedience to every commandment of God brings blessings. Isaiah 1:19. The proof of one having the fear of God is practical living according to God’s word! It is the only sure foundation that will never be shaken under whatever threat or circumstance! Matthew 7:24-27. Ecclesiastes 8:5. Peace, Joy, long life and abundant blessings await everyone who chooses to follow peace and holiness with all men. Hence, God’s grace, presence and power will be one’s constant experience! 1 Peter 3:9-12.

The Blessings in Forgiveness.

Matthew 6:14, Genesis 50:19-21, Luke 23:39-43, 7:43,48.

In every human interface and interactions, forgiveness is like lubricating oil that keeps the relationship smooth to run without unnecessary heat, wears and tears. Its presence and application in day-to-day life, at home, church, among friends, at work e.t.c. provide a lot of benefits and blessings.

  • Forgiveness brings hope to a hopeless situation! See: John 8:10-12. In this scripture the case of the adulteress woman was hopeless. Through forgiveness, Christ set her free. What a lively hope!  Divorce can be avoided; schism in church overcome and all satanic work due to offence, bitterness, revenge etc. can be thwarted by the instrument of forgiveness. Galatians 6:16
  • Forgiveness provides opportunity to measure spiritual maturity and the depth of Christ-likeness in a believer. Matthew 18:27-35. The degree of a believers readiness, to seek forgiveness from others without covering up, and to forgive others when need arises are sure attestations of the spiritual status as observed in the life of Joseph. Genesis 50:19-21.
  • God’s nature of forgiveness (which we are called to possess) gives the evident assurance of salvation to sinners and restoration to backsliders. Luke 15:17-21. The prodigal son basic motivation to return to the father, reconciliations among brethren and restoration of backsliders to God family.
  • Satan schemes and purposes are defeated 2 Timothy 4:11. John Mark the writer of the book of Mark would have been lost to rejection and mediocrity but mature Barnaba handled him well. Act 15:36-40 and Paul readiness to forgive and let go the past failures made Mark to become so profitable! Forgiveness frustrates Satan attempts to steal, kill and destroys destinies. John 10:10.
  • Forgiveness promotes Love, Unity, Peace, respect, honor and cooperation at home, Church and among people. Job. 42:10. When Job forgave and prayed for his friends, his health and fortune returned! You have much to gain by forgiving. Isaiah. 1:19.
  • Forgiveness breeds revival! Hosea 5:15, Hosea 6:1-3, 10:12. Whenever men on earth seek God for forgiveness of sins, especially with burdens, tears and travails, heaven will always respond with revival! This comes with package of mass forgiveness for sinful souls and the outpour of the Spirit of God. Joel 2:32. As a church (CCBC) this is the area we need to focus attention now as the world is sinking to hell in rebellion to God’s order and purpose! 1 Chronicles 7:14. Acts 1:14. Jonah 3:5-10.
  • Forgiveness removes hindrance to prayers. 2 Chronicles 6:38, It opens the door of favor and goodness. Genesis 40:20, 21. Just as in human relationship, in God’s kingdom, forgiveness bring great opportunities and possibilities for uncommon exploits. 1Timothy 1:12-17. To top it all, it opens the door of external abode with Christ in glory!
  • 1John 3:15, 1John5:13, 20. Amen.      
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