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Matthew 18:15–20, 21- 35. Colossians 3:13

Praise God for the sufficiency of God’s grace that forgives and cleanses from all sins. Whenever Christ abides within a soul, forgiveness is pleasant to such soul! John 15:4-8 Psalm 133:1-3.

          The Lord Jesus Christ, knowing the primer place of forgiveness in the church, home and individual believer’s life, paid good attention to forgiveness. He taught the disciples that forgiveness must be a daily practice to ensure peace, righteousness and joy in our daily relationships. Romans 14:17.

Animosity, grudge and malice have no place in God’s kingdom! Rather the kingdom is a world of grace where the fruit of the spirit reigns supreme with all the attending bliss of victorious living!  Galatians 5:22-24. In today study, we shall consider necessary steps to take to ensure that the path of forgiveness is followed in Christ way. Philippians 2:13.

Extent and Process of Forgiveness

Matthew 18:15-20, 21-35. Romans 12:19-21

  • Our Lord Jesus affirms the possibility of a brother or sister in Christ trespassing (that is, doing that which is not expected or something that can offend) against another believer. Matthew 18:15. Also it is possible when you register your concern to him/her that such concern is disregarded or downplayed even when others are called to intervene! Yet none of such behavior should make you close chapter on forgiveness at all. Why? Forgiveness is not relative, it is God’s command and is in your power to give. Romans 6:12-14.
  • Whenever others trespass against you. First take initial step to settle the matter with him. Matthew 18:15-16. When this fails, involve another matured believer to mediate (not to fight your case with the person!). When the second approach fail inform your church local or main leadership (as the case may be) to settle it. Matthew 18:17. This is sure to work so far the person involved is a child of God who knows Jesus as the head of the church! Colossians 1:13-20.
  • What of forgiveness when it involves a Christian and unbeliever? Our model in this case is Christ forgiveness template in principle and as practice on the cross.

(a) Christ took initiative to forgive even when sinner is dead in sin and calamity. Colossians 2:13. Matthew 6:15. Romans 5:6-8. A believer is to freely forgive unbeliever whether such trespass is acknowledged or not. Matthew 6:15

(b) Christ forgives based on the understanding of the ignorance that is in sinners as declared on the cross . “father forgive them, for they know not what they do “Luke 23:34. So a believer also forgives realizing the pitiable, ignorant and darkened understanding that controls a sinful man’s state of mind. Ephesians 4:17-20. You are to forgive freely.

(c) In case of matters and issues that require justice between a Christian and unbeliever, personal effort to broker peace must be made at individual level with counsel from godly church leaders. (see Romans 12:17,18). When the above step fails, responsible authority e.g rulers, leaders in charge of related matters can help to ensure justice and peace according to Romans 13:1-5.

  • For every matter requiring justice, settlement and forgiveness between believers, the church is the final place of arbitration within the context of godly and Christ-like living. A lawsuit against fellow believers for whatsoever reason is unchristian and unacceptable for those who had been washed, sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:1-11. Matthew 18:15-17.
  • There is no limit to forgiveness in Christ. Luke 17:1-4. Yet this in the church must not be taken as excuses to knowingly perpetrate evil or misbehave to test or abuse the tolerant spirit of others! Luke 17:1 God is avenger of the righteous! Romans 12:19. When God chooses to handle a stubborn and troublesome so-call believer, the result is always dismal! Romans 2:3-11.
  • Do not delay to forgive and make peace. Settle it before the sun goes down. (i.e. within a day). This is necessary for your peace of mind and joy in the Holy Ghost. Matthew 5:25. Ephesians 4:26, 27.
  • It is not holiness to ignore or keep silent over others trespasses. You can be angry at sin without been sinful, better to show your righteous stand than to absorb and internalize hurtful deed of others. Ephesians 4:26-27. Yet love allows the blood of Jesus to cover multitude of confessed sin and roll it away with its cleansing power! Romans 4:7, 1 Peter 4:8.
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