3 min read

 Text: James 1:12-17.

Memory Verse: But every man is tempted when he drawn away by his own lust, and enticed. James 1:14 

The ''will" in mankind is like a padlock fixed into every man's heart. God has given to individuals the key to lock or unlock the “Will”. Nothing can invade to exploit and escape from the heart, except man chooses to allow it. The Devil knows this truth. He cannot achieve his evil devices without your consent. He uses deceit, subtlety and manipulations on his target, to have his way. Man greatest doom is therefore to be ignorant of Satan devices as Paul warned in 2Corinthians 2:11 - "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices". To be victorious therefore, you must watch against Satan devices.

    UNDERSTANDING SATAN DEVICES  ON TEMPTATIONS. James 1:12-17; 4:1-2, 1Peter 2:11. 

1John 5:19 says:  "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness". From this scripture, it is very clear that two principal systems exist:  (a) The system of godliness where truth and righteousness flows from the living God. 1John 4:7-12. (b) The system of worldliness where deception, unrighteousness and wickedness reign with root in Lucifer. Isaiah 14:12. The two systems are always in conflict with one another. One is spiritual and godly with end in eternal glory! Whereas the other is earthly and temporal with the end in death. Individual must choose where to belong! Deuteronomy 30:19. 

1. One of the instrument of operation of the Devil with which he preys over its victims is LUST. Satan rules and keeps the world under subjection by appealing to human lust and greed that dominate the 'self' in man's nature. James 4:14-16. 

2. Lust is a perversion of godly love! 1Corinthians 10:6. It is characterized by strong desire for satisfaction of human passion, especially in an unacceptable manner to Christ. It promises apparent pleasures and short lived appeasement of appetites Genesis 3:4-6. Lust seek to fulfil a desire or cravings anyhow, not minding the consequences! Genesis 49:4. When allowed to rule one’s life, it opens door for Satan to deceive and manipulate into all sort of evils that end in regret. 

3. Lust operates in three major areas and no believers are not exempted:  (a) Lust of the flesh, (b) Lust of the eyes and (c) pride of life. 1John 2:15-17.   Lust of the flesh comes in the form of inordinate affection, ravaging undisciplined appetites with no consideration to godliness regarding scriptural command! It can be with food (e.g Esau. Genesis 25: 29-34), It can be sexual pleasure urge, (e.g, David with Uriah wife 2Samuel 11:1-4, Amnon and Tamar 2Samuel 13:2-15). And other urges with selfish ends.  

4.  Eyes, ear, nose and mouth (throat) are physically basic doors into the soul of man. The lust of the eyes seek to satisfy the mind and the heart with carnal pleasures that result in defilement and passionate drive to do contrary to God’s expectations in righteousness.(e.g. Eve, Genesis 3:6,7; Proverb 7:6-27). Today, pornography is a useful tool with which Satan uses to lure many into evil deeds.    Satan promotes seductive dressings by opposite sexes: Revealing dresses, alluring perfumes and make-ups by ladies, sagging by men and so on (e.g, Jezebel in 2King 9:30).    Music is another effective tool that impacts on human mind to lure to temptations either by lust or to arouse human emotion to ungodly deed. 1Samuel 18:7- 9. 

5.  The pride of life, is an active tool that has brought many mighty and giants of faith down to mere religious fools. This comes in guises like: (a) Crave for fame, recognition, power, position, money and riches at any cost! Isaiah 14:12.15.  (e.g. Abimelech in Judges 9:1-24. Absalom in seeking for power overthrown his father David! See 2Samuel 16:1-6.)    In the Church today, Satan is using pride of life as a tool to bring unnecessary wars, politics, and all sort of unholy strivings to the Church. Money and what money can buy in many Christian circles are parts of the causes of rebellion, agitations and divisions. The Church as well as individual believer must take caution! 1Timothy 6:17-21 

6. Satan does not believe in the infallibility of anyone. Even God! He is so proud and desperate that he attempted to bring Jesus down! Matthew 4:3-11. Who else will Satan spare?  To assume to have been insulated against his ploys is to live in ignorance and self-delusion.  Daniel 8:25. Do not negotiate with Satan or his instruments of temptation in any way. If he offers you a cap, it is because he intends to take your head. Joseph knew this, and refused to toy with Satan allurement in any way. Genesis 39:7-9.

 7. Renewed mind and crucifixion of fleshly affection with Christ will help in overcoming LUST. Christ demonstrated a unique sense of masterfulness at the time of dealing with Satan in the temptation. Matthew 4:1-11. Genuine repentance and salvation set victory by default into your spiritual life!  Hebrew 7:25. You are equipped with power to prevail and triumph in every temptation encounter! Like your Master you can be victorious through steadfast faith, vigilance and obedience to God’s word at all times. Jude 1:24.  Amen.

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