2 min read

CCBC BS Dec 17.docx

The JOY of ENDING Well

Genesis 8:13-22; 9:1-3

Although life along with time is a continuum (i.e. long stretched, like unending event), yet God in His wisdom breaks it into several cycles of events such as minutes, hour, day, night, week, month and years. Genesis 1:5; 8:22.

The climatic seasons vary as well: cold and heat, summer and winter, planting time and harvest time etc. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2. The advantages and benefits of these life’s variations cannot be underplayed! They give mankind choices and options just as:

  1. Opportunities and hope of betterment are always possible. 1Corinthians 12:13.

  2. Past can be reviewed with honest and sincere assessment. Psalm 138:23-24

  3. Tomorrow can be positioned with view of better pursuit. Job 14:7

  4. Goal can be re-set and plan-revised for a happy and fulfilling ending!

  5. Failure can be negated and removed as no one actually fails until door or option of another trial and improvement is closed! Psalm 51:8-13.

  6. Attitude can be corrected for better performance. Luke 15:17-25.

  7. Excellent and glorious fulfilling destiny can be realized with joy unspeakable! John 17:1-5.

No matter the height of victory attained, the depth of defeat experienced or whatever the situation had been in the year ebbing away, the greatest of all victory is LIFE! Many started with great plans, much energy and with high spirit. Today they are history with dreams and aspirations forever unfulfilled!

How well Has It Been?

2Timothy 2:1-7.

To have real and true perspective of your stewardship this year, there are three important areas you must consider:

  1. Pursuit of Christ Purpose and Plan: 2 Timothy 2:1-4. As Christ’s ambassador and companion, have you actually endeavored to satisfy Him in most crucial and preferred area of His purpose such as (a) Holy living? 1Peter 1:13-7. (b) Soul-winning? 2Timothy 4:1-2. (c) Standing for truth and righteousness amidst men of corrupt character? Daniel 3:8-18. (d) Faithful service to God and to men? Hebrew 3:1-6. And in (e) Love for the Lord? John 4:23,24; Revelation 4:10, 11.

  2. Pursuit and enhancement of others’ purpose and plan: 1Timothy 2:4-5

The sun shines for the benefit of others! Psalm 84:11-12. Likewise your life is meant to provide benefits for others. You are made to contribute your quota to life in many ways: (a) As blessings to those around you. Acts 10:38. (b) Love, care and provision as married to your family. Ephesians 5:22-30. (c) As children, honour and obedience to parents. Colossians 3:20 (d) As employee or employer faithful service and just reward. Colossians 3:22-25. (e) As shepherd, feeding and tending the sheep for growth and fruitfulness. John.21:15-17. (f) As followers, giving honour, obedience and love to our leaders. Hebrew13:16-18. (g) As believer, seeking peace and pursuing it with all men as it lies on you. Romans 12:17, 18.

  1. Pursuit of your personal welfare, goals and fulfillment. 1Timothy 4:16.

It is great wisdom to ensure that you have positioned and served yourself well all along! The royal law is “to love your neighbor as yourself” James 2:8

In many areas of your life, have you taken proper care of your interest as well?

  1. Care for your spiritual well-being. Jeremiah 38:20.

  2. Feeding and clothing well. Psalm 103:5

  3. Peace of mind and joy in the Holy Ghost. Philippians 4:6-7.

  4. Have you dreams and visions that can give you fulfillment in life? Habakkuk 2:1-3.

  5. Are you planning and working for a joyful ending? Jeremiah 29:11

  6. Have you patience and perseverance to hold on without distractions and discouragement? Nehemiah 6:1-9.

  7. Are you rapture ready day by day? 1John 3:1-2.

Whatever are your findings and answer to the above self-examinations, the joy is that opportunities abound yet for improvement and better performance! Look up to God in praises and ask God for grace and wisdom for a lasting joyful ending. Psalm 131:1-3.

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