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Jan 7: The Joy of Ending Well (2)

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The JOY of ENDING Well (2)

Psalm 16:5 – 11

To many people, the end of the year is everything! What is achieved and yet to be achieved: the vacations, the travels, the festivities, the newly purchased items etc. All these and many more may be good but none must be seen as end in itself. The psalmist says: “The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup, thou maintainest my lot… Thou will show me the path of life; in thy presence is the fullness of joy, at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore”. Psalm 16:7, 11. True joy is consisted of God and the blessings embedded in His abiding presence.

The scope of success and victory to a child of God is beyond the happenings and occurrences of successive years, but the consistent walk, work and following God’s eternal plan and purpose as it applies to individual (Psalm 105:7–24). Joseph had a joyful ending despite his many odds and diverse challenges of life. He concentrated on God given dream and life assignment year in year out. His stand and work did not only gladden God and men’s hearts but he experienced personal overflowing joy of fulfilling exploits. Psalm 105:17–21. This is still possible today.

II. Path To A Joyful Ending

Job 42:12–17; Psalm 37:37–40.

To experience a joyful ending in your life’s pursuit, the following counsels are important:

  1. True salvation that enthrones Christ as the king over the heart is the foundation of real joy! Romans 14:17. Peace, righteousness and joy of the Holy Spirit become a constant experience. His abiding presence empowers with strength to triumph in every life challenges and battles! Psalm 21:1, Colossians 1:11.

  2. Abiding in the circumference of God’s word in thought, word and deed is essential to ending well! Psalm 119:9–11. When God’s word guides, your foundation remain unshakable! And your exploits is remarkable with good success as well. Joshua 1:8

  3. Seek God’s wisdom above every other possession! Proverb 4:5–9. Fear God and shun evil. Treasure knowledge and walk with wise men. Proverbs 13:20. Righteousness and wisdom shall attract favour and fortune with glorious outcome. Hebrew 1:9.

  4. Contribute to others’ joy and uplifting! Psalm 28:7–9. You get reduced by pulling down! You get higher by raising others. Joseph brothers went down to Egypt simply because they sent Joseph down there! The wisdom that made Egypt the land of abundance could have worked in Canaan if Joseph was left to stay there! Live and let others to live! Revelation 13:10. Whatever a man sows, he shall reap. Galatians 6:7-10.

  5. Prayer is a weapon! It is a powerful instrument that clears the way. It forces the enemy to submit and lift the oppressed out of bondage. Luke 22:40-46. David, Job and Elijah stories would have been different. But by prayer of faith they conquered! James 5:17-18. The prayer of the righteous man does not miss its target. Through prayer you can reposition your destiny for a joyful end! 1Chronicle 4:10.

  6. Serve God with joy! Devotion to duty and diligence at work with all faithfulness is the key that unlocks blessings and good fortunes: be it physical or spiritual; for others and for yourself. Learn to work and serve passionately. Nothing attracts reward and promotion like pleasant and excellent service. Genesis 39:1-4, Proverbs 22:29.

 Note that the final end is HEAVEN!  Even the poor Lazarus, his joy and comfort was coveted by the rich fool! Luke 16:22-24. Holiness, faithfulness and total obedience to revealed-will of God is crucial. Nothing unclean shall enter there! Revelation 21:7-8. As we rejoice at the new year, look forward for a new beginning. Amend the past, reposition yourself; knowing that one day, in one month and in one year, the door of the final end will open! Will you meet with Christ in an unending joy? The choice is yours! 1Corinthians 10:1-12.

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