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Profiting By God’s Promises (Part 2)

Genesis 17:1-19,21; Hebrews 11:11-17.

    A thorough examination of the Bible shows that all men of faith that rose to the height of great exploit took off from the platform of God faithfulness to His promise. According to the scripture above: “Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful who had promised”.   Joseph’s dream was full of promises of great and glorious future and victory ahead. The promise made him strong to keep going in the odd and darkest moment of his life. Moses responded in Faith to the promise of God that He will be with him, to empower and ensure that Israel would be brought out of captivity under Pharaoh’s Tyranny. To everyone’s surprise, Egypt stood still at the miraculous demonstration of God power in Moses. Acts 7:35,36. The promise of God is as effective as ever today. It only requires that individual believer in Christ must take hold of God’s promise in the spirit of faith and holiness. Obedience to Christ command will yield great result. Hebrew 10:19-23.

God’s Promises As Sure Anchor Of Hope And Victory.  

Hebrews 6:13-19. Luke 1:68-75. Isaiah 44:26. Jeremiah 1:12.

    The certainty of God’s promises was the source of confident faith portrayed by the saints of old. The knowledge and understanding of God’s promises will enable us to profit in many areas of our life, calling and pursuit as examined below:

  • God’s promise is revelational: It reveals God’s intention regarding His purpose and what is expected of us to do about it. Exodus 3:4-12. God’s promise to Moses was the deliverance of Israelites out of the oppression of pharaoh. Yet, He made Moses to understand the role he would have to play to fulfill the promise! God’s promise this year is to make you eternal Excellency, a joy to many generations! Yet you have a role to play in fulfilling it. Isaiah 60:15.
  • God’s promise is directional: It tells you what to do and where to go in order to bring to pass the promise. Genesis 12:1-5. A lot of people pray and sit down in idleness expecting God to do everything. They have forgotten that Moses and Israel had to cross the red sea and walk through the wilderness with the guidance of pillar of fire before they could enjoy free manna from heaven! You must prepare to work out your own salvation this year. Philippians 2:12.
  • God’s promise is motivational: It moves you into action; it generates zeal and enthusiasm within you as to release the latent energy within you. 1 Kings 5:1-10. Solomon was motivated by promise made to David with respect to his son building the temple of God. Divine promise is that you too will receive power to do exploit. Acts 1:8; Daniel 11:32b.
  • God’s promises require earnest focus, dedication and perseverance. 1 Kings 19:19-21. 2Kings 2:1-15. Elisha had the promise of standing in the place of Elijah by God’s design. Yet it was with great sacrifice, dedication and diligence that he made it. To bring God’s promise to fulfillment, you must avoid sin, distractions and laziness. Proverbs 6:4-11.
  •  God’s promise is connective. It creates longing within the soul to seek and link with God, synergize with human helpers that can bring the promise to fruition. Jeremiah 29:11-14. Luke 1:34-45. This was the case of Mary, having received Angel Gabriel word of promise, she went to Elizabeth to confirm God’s wonder and miracle of her conception, so as to boost her faith for the conception of the promised Christ. This year, let assurance of God’s promises move you to pray fervently Matthew 7:7-11. And to walk with those who can influence your life positively for God’s promise to be realized!
  • God’s promise is inspirational. Others are miraculously affected and lifted through the fulfillment of God’s promise in your life. Genesis 50:15-21. The fulfillment of God’s promise in Joseph life brought great change upon his brothers! Joseph also was embellished with grace and glory in that he freely forgave and chose to do good to his brethren. What a life of inspiration to us today!

 God’s promise is rewarding. Genesis 15:1-6, Romans 4:16-22. Jesus our Lord, because of the joy ahead of Him, He endured the cross! The substance of every promise brings joy of expected victory. Therefore, great rewards await those who strive to see God’s promises come to reality. Christ shall glorify and honor such! Romans 2:10-11.

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