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Profiting By God’s Promises

Genesis 12:1-5, 22:10-18; Mark 1:17; 2 Corinthians 7:1.

Another name for testament is covenant. As we know today, the Bible has two major parts: The Old Testament and the New Testament. The bible is the revelation of God towards man. Through it we know God and the works of His hand. Thereby we know the earth was created by God for His own purpose: His glory, pleasure and Praise. Isaiah 43:7,21, Revelation 4:11.

       There is no testament/covenant without promise. Hebrew 9:15. The promise is an integral part of the covenant. The bible therefore can be called “The book of promises”. Romans 1:1-2. The saints in Christ are called to know, to strive for and to possess the promises as their inheritance. Galatians 3:18; Hebrew 9:15. One of the great attributes of God is His faithfulness. He cannot lie regarding His word and promises. Hebrew 6:13-11. The promise therefore is the anchor upon which the hope and success of the saint rest. It is the source of consolation and assurance that keeps the saint in Christ strong and triumphant in all battles, challenges and struggles along their earthly pilgrimage! Acts 26:6-7, 1:4.

     It is therefore necessary, at this time of new beginning to know and build our faith, expectations and purpose on God’s promises. It is the unfailing anchor that will yield excellent and satisfactory dividend to our joy and God’s glory as we run our race in every life perspective. Galatians 3:14; 5:5.  

Overview of God’s Promises.

Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 43:1-7,18-19. Jeremiah 51:19-24.

     God’s promises are as broad as firmament of heaven covering and dealing with all aspects of man’s life. Isaiah 4:4-6. These include: Sure refuge and security Psalm 91:1-4, Peace of mind and good health. Isaiah 26:3-4, provisions and prosperity Psalm 23:1-6, spiritual viability and strength. Psalm 84:7, 28:8-9. God’s promises have provision for every aspect of man’s spirit, soul, and body. 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Therefore, it must be a keen desire of every child of God to know and abide in His word in order to enjoy His promises.

  • Redemption is very key to accessing and personal application of God’s promises. Here, the sinner has the promise of forgiveness in Christ. Ephesians 3:5-6. Christ is the Seal of God’s faithfulness regarding the redemption of mankind. Romans 3:23-26.
  • Every promise of God is yea and Amen. It can be made a living reality in every life through faith, righteousness and obedience in Christ! 2 Corinthians 1:20-22. Hebrews 6:13-15.
  • God had been true to all His promises in the past. He will be true today as well as in future to come. Joshua 23:14 Hebrew 13:8. Matthew 5:18.
  • Every redemptive promise of God is conditional: To be saved, you must repent, Romans 10:9-10. To enjoy divine presence and power, you must be holy. Hebrew 1:9. To enjoy peace of mind you must trust in Him Isaiah 26:3. Philippians 4:6,7. To prosper and live in sufficiency you must work and be diligently favored by God. Ecclesiastes 9:10 Proverbs 22:29. To be lifted and promoted you must humble yourself etc. James 4:10, Job 22:29.
  • God’s promises are the inheritance of every child of God. Things that can keep you from enjoyment of these promises are sins, ignorance and lack of faith to press and take hold of them. Romans 4:16-24. Hebrews 10:19-23.
  • Fervent prayer, confident step of faith, persuasion and patient resting on God’s word are primer to the realization of God’s promises. It may seem tarried or delayed, never mind. In God’s time and your best time the promise will be made a reality as in the life of Sarah and Abraham. Never faint or give up. Hebrews 10:35-39, 4:14-16.

 Nothing gladdens God’s heart as to see His promises fulfilled in your life! For Mary the mother of Christ, Angels came to rejoice. Luke 2:9-14. For the Apostles, heaven got rent as the power of God descended! Act 2:1-4. This year, everyone will rejoice with you as you press for that distinctive promise of God and its being fulfilled in your life. Ruth 4:14-15. Amen.

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