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The JOY and PRIVILEGES of New Beginning

Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-5, Ezekiel 36:8-15.

It is beautiful and remarkable to know, that the word “BEGINNING” opens the Holy Scriptures. It is such a word that is impregnated with hope, possibilities and newness when applied in a positive sense. God values new beginning and will always encourage it in every life. The realization of such offer made great differences in the lives of many past saints. The lessons from their lives and experiences as believers can lay better foundation for tomorrow exploits for us who are privileged to witness today!


Old-Time Saints That Exploited the Privileges of New Beginning.

Hebrew 11:1-12, Ruth 1:6-18, John 1:35-51.

            Opportunities translate to fortunes, only with those who can recognize and work it out to their advantage. The gift of time is offered daily to all living souls, yet some made losses and some made gains with it! The race of another year is set. What a welcome development! To have a lasting joy and fulfillment, wisdom must be the guiding principle with attending peace of mind and righteousness. Here are few exploits of some old-time saints.

  • Enoch: Hebrew 11:5, 6; Genesis 5:22-24. “And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah”. We were not told the experience that generated such decision to walk with God in Enoch. Yet, it was a timely and major decision of his life that from that point translated to a glorious destiny both in life and eternity! Have you realized the need to walk with God? Repentance from sins and salvation through Christ is the turning point that begins a walk with God. Romans 10:1-13. Ephesians 2:8-10.
  • Noah: Hebrew 11:7, Genesis 6:7, 8. “But Noah found grace in the eyes of God”. Grace was the foundation of whatever we read or know about Noah. Wherever God is, grace is always there. Noah through grace worked out his salvation tirelessly. 1Corinthians 15:10. You too must pray for grace in your walk with God, and above all, determine to work tirelessly in serving God’s purpose as it applies to you like Noah. Do not receive grace in vain. Work righteousness! James 2:17-18.

  • Abraham: Hebrew 11:8-10. Genesis 22:12-18. Love, godly fear and obedience made Abraham the dearest of God. Yet he was formally an idol worshipper! Joshua 24:2. He found possibility of new beginning and responded with firm faith and obedience. He determined to give God his best in order to have God’s best! Hebrew 11:17-19; Luke 6:38.

  • Ruth: Ruth 1:16-22. “And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life and a nourisher of thine old age, for thy daughter-in-law which loveth thee, which better to thee than seven sons, hath born him” Ruth 4:15. This testimony of Ruth tells all about her faith, love and service! Her new beginning came with decision to go with Naomi not minding the past and the odds! This year, what will separate you from Christ? Romans 8:37:39.

  • Esther: Esther 2:15-18. Where others fail and fall, this year you will succeed and be preferred. Esther preparation was the key to her success! Esther 2:8-12. Good character and attitude are tools that earn favour, uplifting and help. Like Esther, mind and cultivate such habit with readiness to serve God purpose as need arises. Esther 4:15-17. Prepare to jump every hurdle that may come your way through faith and good character.

  • Nehemiah: Nehemiah 1:1-5; 6:15-16. Yesterday success if care is not taken can become the enemy of today and tomorrow’s best. Nehemiah refused complacence and determined to take responsibility where others neglect, avoid or find excuses! Ecclesiastes 9:10. Others came to Nehemiah with zero progress report regarding the state of things in Israel. But he sought God in prayer; he caught noble ideas and pursued it with zeal that puzzled others. At the end, he became the “hero” of his time, and model of leadership par excellence for all ages. This year find and do exploits that will distinguish you among the rest. Proverbs 22:29.

  • Paul: Acts 26:12-19; 1Corinthians 15:10. Finding purpose in Christ and laboring to finish it is a way to lasting joy and fulfillment. 2Timothy 4:7-8. Wherever you are placed: As husband, wife, pastor, church worker, employer, employee, new convert, student, apprentice, leader, follower etc. the life and testimony of Paul should always challenge us to action. In whatever area or sector you are, define your goals, plan and work to please God who is the final Justifier and Rewarder. Romans 8:30. And remember, every new beginning will lead to an end. At the final end will your joy be full, realizing that without holiness no one shall see the Lord?  Hebrew 12:2, 14.








1.          Give of your best to the Master,

Give of the strength of your youth;

Throw your soul’s fresh, glowing ardor

Into the battle for truth.

Jesus has set the example—

Dauntless was He, young and brave;

Give Him your loyal devotion,

Give Him the best that you have.


Give of your best to the Master;

Give of the strength of your youth;

Clad in salvation’s full armor,

Join in the battle for truth

2.         Give of your best to the Master,

Give Him first place in your heart;

Give Him first place in your service;

Consecrate every part.

Give, and to you shall be given—

God His beloved Son gave;

Gratefully seeking to serve Him,

Give Him the best that you have.

3.         Give of your best to the Master,

Naught else is worthy His love;

He gave Himself for your ransom,

Gave up His glory above;

Laid down His life without murmur,

You from sin’s ruin to save;

Give Him your heart’s adoration,

Give Him the best that you have.

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