3 min read

GRATITUDE (Study 1): Wisdom in Gratitude

Bible Texts: 1Chronicles 29:10-22; 2Chronicles 6:12-15; 7:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18. 

 Memory Verse: "In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." – 1 Thessalonians 5:18.    

Gratitude is a state of being grateful, thankful and appreciative for benefits, goodness, favour, help, loving-kindness etc. received. Gratitude is a catalyst that God ordained to provoke and promote positive relationship between those concerned.  The giver and the receiver of gratitude are thus encouraged to do more and blessed.    In the scripture above, David displayed his usual attitude of been thankful to God. The whole book of Psalm in the Bible can be renamed as "book of thanksgiving"; as there is hardly a chapter where thanksgiving, gratitude or praise was not expressed to God! Psalm 136:1-26. Gratitude is a nature that is ingrained in creation to sustain goodness! Nothing in existence is permitted to get something for nothing. The bees give back honey in appreciation for the nectar of the flowers it sucked. The earth and sea give back vapours in appreciation for the rains from firmament. Gratitude must be integral part and disposition of every believer in Christ. John 17:1; Ephesians 5:20.    The year 2020, to the whole world was a year that came with countless ordeal and troubles! Yet in God’s goodness and designs, it was a year with so many advantages, potential benefits and blessings. At a time like this, the wise thing to do is to lay a foundation of gratitude for the great possibilities and glory that is in the New Year. Isaiah 38:14 - 20.

 The Wisdom in Gratitude

Luke 11:41-43; 1Thessalonians 4:18; Acts 16:23-40; Ruth 2:11-13.    

1. It takes a thoughtful to show gratitude. The attitude of gratitude, appreciation and thanksgiving to God is an indicator of thoughtfulness, sound judgement and maturity. It does not only apply to when things are rosy and every desire met as exemplified by Prophet Habakkuk, it must be a constant practice. (see Habakkuk 3:17-19). Fundamentally, God is good. His purpose towards all His children is good (Jeremiah 29:11).  He deserves your praise irrespective of happenings, mood or circumstances. 

2. Gratitude positions you for the best mentally, physically and emotionally for a fruitful year ahead.  Genesis 45:4-11. Gratitude motivated and preserved Joseph for the best! No time to resent, regret, revenge, got depressed by his brethren nor the unjust treatment in Potiphar's household. Seeing God’s good and gracious dimension in all things enabled Joseph to face life challenges and to be extraordinarily successful. Nothing could clog his mind or dissipate his strength for a moment! A grateful heart is a grand possession with rewarding ends. Proverb 31:10-12. 

3. Heart full of gratitude prepares you to receive greater blessings. Luke 17:12-19. The one Leper that returned to give thanks to Jesus was not only cleansed but was made whole! Some believers are ingrates who complain about so many things without a thought on many undeserved blessings so far received! Romans 1:21.  Learn appreciation to experience greater showers of divine blessings Psalm 50:22-23; 1 Thessalonians 5:18. 

4. Gratitude promotes  better relationship in life.  It is a key that can open doors to a great future! Abigail and David relationship is a proof. 1Samuel 25:3,14-42. In the Church, home, working place etc. learn to be grateful for every kindness received. Husband to wife, children to parent, employee to employer, sheep to shepherd and vice versa.  Gratitude  lubricate and seal good relationship in the Church. Philippians 4:15-19.

 5. Gratitude to be acceptable  by God  must be heartfelt, genuine and motivated by a  sense of true love and sincerity. 1Chronicle 29:9-17. Lip service will not do. Isaiah 29:13-15; Mark 7:6. 

  • The first thing is to appreciate God offer of His son on the cruel cross of calvary! 
  • Then repent and renounce sin to live righteously. 1Timothy 1:12-16.

 Note: Gratitude with undertone of unclean ulterior motive is ungodly. When such is laden with motive to lure, seduce or bribe for selfish outcome, it must be discerned and avoided. John 6:24-29.

 6. Gratitude is not only to be expressed in words of mouth! It could be real, tangible and even sacrificial. 1Chronicles 29:10-21; 2Samuel 24:24-25. What can believer offer to God and others as a sign of gratitude? Quite a lot: Praises, worship, paid vows/promise, service base on your gifts, giving   in cash and kindness to God work and needy, winning souls, godly affection and help to others, cooperation with others, affirmations, smile, good deeds,  support,  encouragement  etc. Hebrews 13:21, 

7. Gratitude is open ended.  1Thessalonians  5:18 says:  "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." In everything, and for everything: Past, Present, and Future! You can begin to sow seed of peaceful, healthy, prosperous, godly, fruitful and exciting year 2021 by appreciating, praising and giving all of yourself to God. 2Corinthians 8:1-6. Gratitude brings God, goodness and glory into your live.  May God fill you with reasons to thank and praise Him this year and always in Jesus mighty Name. Amen!

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