2 min read

Genesis 1:26; 5:3; Job 1:8.

MEMORY VERSE: 3John 3-4  -

3For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.    

The American English dictionary defines the word “parenting” as: "the process of raising and educating a child from birth until adulthood". One of the chief purposes and desires of God is to see all creatures fruitful and multiplying with their unique nature excellently preserved in their kinds from one generation to another without perversion. Hence, in every creature, God places ability (Genes), to transmit its peculiar and unique nature into the oncoming generation. Good and enabling environment is an important factor to ensure that each organism thrives well to achieve the expected result at best.   

 Parenthood is God way to ensure excellent performance outcome in term of biological semblance and character manifestations. Success in this dimension brings great joy to God as seen in His testimony regarding Job. (Job.1:8). To fail in parenting is to disappoint and frustrate God good plan for the present and future as demonstrated in the lives of Adam and Cain. Genesis 4:12-14.  

PERSPECTIVES  IN  GODLY PARENTING-        Genesis 18:17-19;  22:18; Matthew 7:20.

 God is the Originator, first and best example of parenting we can ever think about. In every dimension, He stands a unique and perfect example that we must strive to emulate in purposes, focus, performance and achievement. Deuteronomy 32:9-14. Two perspectives stand out looking into the Bible. 

I. THE PHYSICAL PERSPECTIVE.   Genesis 1:12, 26-28. 2:21-25; 4:1.

  Creation is the first miraculous work of God that brought life (Abiotic and Biotic) to existence!  In God excellent wisdom and power, He created human kind as the apex of the life on earth! (The privilege angels envied earnestly. Hebrew 1:4). The process of Parenting by birth is ordained of God to ensure succession and continuance of life on earth. This is so important that without it the world is at risk of extinction!    The physical parenting has several purposes to achieve, few among which are: (a) Birth of successive fruitful generations. Genesis 1:12.(b) Raising, nursing and nurturing to maturity in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Psalm 144:12.(c) Instilling and imparting needful traits, values, disciplines and characteristics that prepares them for success and dominion in life.(d) Life support and protection as may be required.  When as believers we are up to the task and successful in our patenting calling, the gains and joy it brings are without measure.  

II. THE SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE - Matthew 7:16-21; John 3:1-5,16; 2Peter 1:1-10.    The physical life stands on "SPIRITUAL ROOT"!  Isaiah 11:1. This is why without "the spirit", there can be no life. The man physical body houses the spirit and enables him to relate with the physical environment. To relate with God, His spirit must be quickened and made alive unto God through the NEW BIRTH and righteousness!(See John 4:23-24).     Jesus Christ wants every generation of man to experience: Salvation, freedom, and righteousness through grace unto eternal life. SPIRITUAL PARENTING is God ordained means to achieve free salvation by grace to all races and age. (a) Regeneration and salvation come by the work of the Holy Spirit upon men's heart. He requires man to preach the gospel to make this possible. Romans 10:13-15.(b) Salvation of souls makes you a parent to your converts. As spiritual parents, you are a model of Christ to others in fruits, word, lifestyles, character, faith and practices. 1Corinthians11:1, John 13:15.(c) As spiritual parent you are to labour in prayer, word of God, following up, counselling and encouragement of converts for growth, maturity and profitability in Christ vineyard. Galatia 4:19; 2Timothy 1:13.(d) You are to provide, feed, protect, support and guide the spiritual children to matured adulthood in Christ. John 15:15; 3John 1:2-4.    Nothing brings so great joy as to see your children in Christ growing, maturing and doing great exploit in Christ. This is what we are called to do. Amen.

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