3 min read
Godly Parenting (Part 3)

 Text: 1Samuel 2:18-21; 3:19-21.

Memory Verse: Exodus 2:9 “And Pharaoh’s daughter said unto her, take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the woman took the child, and nursed it”.    

  It is a common prayer of the expectant mothers to ask for a child like Samuel. His birth ,growth and adulthood were  models of a successful upbringing. Despite environmental and other challenges, Samuel grew up to become a promising, fruitful and rewarding child. His story reminds us the God-factor dimension which all parents must seek and employ for useful and great future of their children.

 INGREDIENTS OF GODLY PARENTING- Genesis 18:19; Psalm 128:1-6.

 Godly and successful parenting is not by chance! It comes as a blessing from the Lord. Psalm 127:1-5. It therefore implies that faith; understanding and wise application of God word would play important roles in the act of parenting to achieve superlative results,    Consider the following points as some of the important and helpful steps that will enable successful outcome. 

1. Saved, God-fearing and Committed Parenthood. 2Timothy 1:5-7. Luke 1:5-16.  The life of the parent is a major determinant regarding the upbringing.   Who to be, and what to become of the children from a particular family depend largely on the parent. A tree breeds its type. Same rule is applicable to Parenting. Parents who are genuinely saved from sins and take God word seriously will become models to their children. As such, Christlikeness, purposeful engagement and fruitful living will become a norm. 

2. Prayerfulness. Genesis 15:1-5; Psalm 127:3.  That children are good gifts from the Lord is not an overstatement!  If this is true, it follows that God cannot give what is not good to any of His children. Joseph, Moses, Samuel etc. were all products of prayer. Before, during conception and after delivery, parents must pray effectively for every child.  Prayer affects and sharpens the course of destiny of a child. It has power to shield and protect from the onslaught of the wicked ones. Psalm 144:11-12.  No one asks for fish and receives stone from God!  He gives good gifts to those who ask. James 1:17. 

3. Home must be saturated with Grace and Fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-24. Nothing builds trust, character and godly attitude as gracious life of love! It is the crown and peak  of all godly virtue that anyone can develop or possess in Christ. To lack it, is to fall short of all that is needful to raise godly seeds. Every Christian couple must build on the premises of love towards each other and the children. Peace, joy, gentleness, patience of hope and perseverance must govern the home with all meekness, decency and discipline. 

4. Wisdom and Scriptural Principles must apply to guide Conducts and Relationship at Home. Proverb 22:6; Genesis 37:9. The parents, as well as the children, must be under the rules of the scripture. Colossians 3:18-22. This keeps away evil and demeaning societal influences which pervert and deform good characters. Right from the womb, parents must learn to apply scripture to sharpen the life of the child. 

5. Faith in God must not be Underplayed in Parenting. Philippians 4:13; Luke 1:37. Trust in the arm of flesh will certainly hit the rock! Neither will ordinary intellectual nor religious creed produce best result. Satan respects no code of conduct that lacks the substance of faith in God. Faith will boost hope, hope will motivate to diligence, and God rewards everyone that diligently seeks to do His will. Hebrew 11:6. Through faith, Moses mother preserved and saw him through to greatness, despite Pharaoh's gruesome edicts. No matter the challenge encountered, faith is the answer! Hebrew 11:23. 

6. Parental Availability and Sense of Responsibility Towards the Child are Crucial.  Exodus 2:1-10; Number 26:59. Jochebed, the mother of Moses was great in this regard! She stood with the child Moses so much that, she wouldn't allow the child to waste away no matter the pressure of the contrary forces.  As parents, sickness, peer pressure, worldly pursuit, satanic invasion etc may want to take that child away from fulfilled destiny!  You must take responsibility to combat such forces. Also find time, and be available to mould, monitor and influence your child positively. Your child care and future must not be left in the hand of a house maid, nanny, teacher at school, television and social media.  Decisively take cues and be in charge in the lives of your children. Proverbs 4:1-4. 

7. Get Well-informed and be Abreast of Sound Workable Knowledge to Parent your Child Effectively. Proverbs 19:1,2; 31:1-4. In today world of information, parents need to study more, interact more especially with teens, to impart necessary values and knowledge which will influence, guide and position the child for the best.    Hannah must have done a lot to focus the heart of Samuel on the Lord and to enlighten him so well for his special calling. The storm of defiance in Eli's home was thus quelled and Samuel stayed focused to pursue excellence in life! Proverbs 22:6.    As parents, you cannot afford to live in ignorance or choose not to be concerned in what goes on with your children. Proverbs 29:15.

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