3 min read

Text: Genesis.18:17-19.  

Memory Verse: Proverb.22.6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.    

God places serious emphasis on parenting. Proverb.22.6. In God infinite wisdom, plants the future in today. Just like the tree dictates the fruit, the seed also determines the tree. To toy with Parenting, is to put the future at great risk!    The Church, homes, society, the nation and the world at large have a lot to gain when parenting assumes it's right place and priority.    

IMPORTANCE OF GODLY PARENTING.    Genesis.18:17-19. Proverb.22.6. Genesis.49:22-26.     

 Naturally, man gives utmost attention to that which is considered essential and indispensable. God’s witness on Abraham in Genesis.18:19 is noteworthy. It implies the assurance that the divine covenant will not be endangered through poor parenting skill of Abraham, which forms one of the basic qualifications of God choice of him. Of what purpose is the labour on a well that cannot bring forth water?      God expectations are godly seeds from every Christian parent. Malachi.2:16. God will not take excuses for any act of negligence in raising God glorifying children (both biological and spiritual)! 

  • Everything regarding earthly and eternal future depends on godly child training and parenting. Genesis.22:18. Greatness is latent in every child, both spiritual and physical! Luke.1:15,32. Good knowledge, grooming and handling with understanding are keys to raising children that will bring joy, glory to God, pride and prize to the nation tomorrow.
  • It is God’s command to every parent! Proverb.22:6. Deuteronomy.6:7. God commandments are the way of life and wisdom. Proverbs.19:7. When heeded to, it will bring unquantified blessings.
  • It is the sure remedy against Satanic and the enemy assaults! Psalm.127:3-4.  Think about the family of Jesse in Israel: His investment into the lives of his sons was notable. Some were in the National Army. 1Samuel.17:17-19. Strict discipline and hard working life in the sheep Cote, to which David was exposed to, prepared him to champion the course of leadership in Israel. Jesse bred giants and thus saved the future of Israel!
  • Godly Parenting is key to peace of mind, health, prosperity, and general wellbeing of the family. Psalm.144:11-15. The parents, as well as the children, have everything to gain when godly injunctions and approach are embraced regarding life principle and practices in a family. The home will be a heaven on earth! Colossians.3:16-21. This accounts for the unity, joy and peace in the home where Christ was raised. Luke.2:42-52. Unity of purpose, loving concern, understanding, freedom in relationship and expression, submission and good disposition were the core values.
  • God can easily work out His purpose and plan without hindrances in such family. 1King.8:22-24.  Timothy was raised and nurtured scripturally by his mother and grandmother (Lois and Eunice). 2Timothy.1:5;3:14-17. His salvation, calling and successful ministry rested upon such firm foundation parentally laid. God is waiting and counting on the Church today for such products as ambassadors, who will shine the gospel light to dispel the darkness of corruption, evils and ungodliness that engulf the world today.  Proverb.22:6.
  • Godly children make the Church a role model to the sinful world!  Isaiah.2:2-3. Thus, there is always attraction to the truth and teaching of Christ when applied to make a difference in positive parenting. 1Samuel.3:19-21.
  • God’s name and wisdom will be glorified by the fruits of godly Parenting. Matthew.5:13-16.                                                                                                                         The lives of the sons of Jonadab in Jeremiah.35:1-14, attest to this truth. 

May God see us faithful and fruitful in our parenting effort in Jesus name. Amen.

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