3 min read
Getting the Best in Marriage VII

CCBC BS Dec 3.docx

CCBC BS Dec 3.docx


Ruth 3:1-18. 4:1-13, Jeremiah 18:1-10.

Complications may arise in the process of seeking, waiting and working on getting the best (God’s will) in marriage. These complications may be due to some reasons ranging from the one initiating proposal, the responder, the Pastors involved, parents and the marriage counselors. Self, carnality, favoritism and attempt to reject God’s choice due to varied factors, such as: attempt to manipulate and down played the truth, temptation to match-make out of personal preference, emotional attachment or pity by those involved. The truth is that God cannot be deceived and whatever any one sows, in due course he or she will definitely reap. Marriage is a lifelong and permanent decision. God must be allowed to guide (psalm. 32:8), as He alone knows the future.

VII. Overcoming Complications In Getting God’s Best In Marriage. Genesis 13:8-18, Isaiah 26: 1-4.

What matters most is God; His word and His presence in your marriage. When you are jilted, rejected or manipulated by human cunningness, you have lost nothing if God is on your side! The case of Abraham and Lot should teach us wisdom. What Lot chose by craftiness, sight and selfishness was lost to fire after all. Abraham trusted God for the best, and he at last obtained a full reward from God! (Genesis 15:1).

Caution, Patience and honesty of purpose are important. Base your decision and steps on God’s word and the assured true leading of the Holy Ghost. 1 Samuel16:6-13.

1. Whatever is your role in the process; as the one proposing, responder, pastor or marriage counselorFear God, be honest, shun favouritism and unrighteous manipulation1Timothy 6:11-16. Do not attempt to alter God balanced equation. Your introduction of error constant will result in wrong future final answer. Deuteronomy 32:29.

2. Sometimes confusion may arise due to feeling of inadequacy in your life or that of the partner to be e.g. on spiritual level, education level, family background, outward factors, financial status etc. These and other considerations can be overcome through plan for personal development, learning and skill acquisitions, trust in God and arming yourselves with readiness to break limiting barriers like Ruth. Ruth 1:10-18. 2:1-5. Also prevailing prayers will bring God’s help. Hebrew 4: 15-14.

3. Are you jilted or rejected for whatever reason, do not be discouraged, bitter or deny your faith? Rather Rejoice in Lord that God is your refuge and strong hold! Psalm 36:1-11. He is the Porter, He can remake, remold to give you His best. Genesis 2:20-25.

4. Do not derail in your faith or backslide due to shock of failed expectations. Had Joseph compromised due to delay or twist of fortune contrary to God given dream (Genesis 37:5-8, 23, 24, 28); he would have missed his great future! Your destiny is not attached to a particular individual without God! Rather, relax and rest on God who is wise and perfect in His work and ways. Deuteronomy 32:4. Isaiah 28:23-24.

5. Sometimes, others may see you as a fool when you are firm in obeying God rather than yielding to human pressure! (Act 5:27-29), especially when things are not so rosy at the beginning, the tendency is to fret unnecessarily. Remember, Ruth initial trials opened up for her latter glory! Ruth 4:13-17.

6. In the church only God is the final Authority. No one is expected to take the place of the Holy Spirit in the name of godfathers and godmothers! Do not play game with others marriage and future! Else, the one who applaud you today can turn later to blame you for pushing him or her into wrong decision or situation. Had Abraham chosen for Lot? He would have lost his honour as a leader. James 1: 14-19. Pastoral counseling on marriage must be done with caution and wisdom of God! 1Timothy 5:22.

7. Finally whatever is truly committed to God’s hand is perfectly handled and kept without failure! Deuteronomy 32:4. Whatever is the case or situation of your marital pursuit, God is the Author and Finisher of a glorious marriage. God cannot fail, so is your marriage! (Luke 1:37). There is a case of a brother who was so bothered and discouraged due to assumed delay in finding right partner. One day, a pastor told him, “Stop worrying. Soon, I will visit you. Your wife and children will welcome me joyfully”. Today that prophetic declaration has been fulfilled. Your own miracle is on the way, fear not! Isaiah 41:10.











1. I don't know about tomorrow,

I just live from day to day.

I don't borrow from it's sunshine,

For its skies may turn to gray.

I don't worry o'er the future,

For I know what Jesus said,

And today I'll walk beside Him,

For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow,

I don't seem to understand;

But I know Who holds tomorrow,

And I know Who holds my hand.

  1. Ev'ry step is getting brighter,

As the golden stairs I climb;

Ev'ry burden's getting lighter;

Ev'ry cloud is silver lined.

There the sun is always shining,

There no tear will dim the eyes,

At the ending of the rainbow,

Where the mountains touch the sky.

  1. I don't know about tomorrow,

It may bring me poverty;

But the One Who feeds the sparrow,

Is the One Who stands by me.

And the path that be my portion,

May be through the flame or flood,

But His presence goes before me,

And I'm covered with His blood.

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