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Feb. 4: Profiting By God's Promises (Part 3)

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Profiting By God’s Promises (Part 3)

Exodus 33:12-14. Joshua 1:5, Matthew 28:18-20

It is amazing to realize that the best a person can have under the sun is not a godfather, godmother, riches or wealth as many suppose, but God Himself, and His presence in one’s life. The promises of God for this decade (year 2020 inclusive), by His name (Jehovah Shammah), is that His presence will be and go with us in CCBC! Ezekiel 48:35.

Moses in Exodus 33:12 was asking less, when he asked for human personality to go with him. However, God surprised him when He told that Angel, (talk less of human being), would not be qualified to go with him. Rather God gave Himself! This is the rock upon which every child of God in CCBC and the world at large must rest. John Wesley last words as he departed were “the best of all, God with us’’.

Therefore be ready to do whatever will bring and keep God’s presence with you always. Also do away with anything that makes Him far from you. I Thessalonians 5:16-23

The Significance & Implications of God’s Presence

Matthew 1:22, 21, Isaiah 9:6, Romans 8:31,32

When God and His Presence is with someone, it means all that is in God and all that He can do is available to such person. His divine resources can be accessed and employed towards meeting one’s needs for a glorifying end! Note the following for profitable and rewarding implications.

1.  God in the person of Christ is the embodiment of God’s promise. His presence meant everything past, present and future. Roman 8:32. He is the Prince of peace. The meeting point for the fulfillment of the Biblical promises to reconcile man with God through Christ’s atoning blood. Then, the full benefit of grace and power of God will become yours! Colossians 1:20; 2:9-10

2. He is the everlasting Father! Isaiah 9:6. Love is the superlative attribute of God. 1 John 4:16-9.  It simply means all that fatherly love can supply: (i) provision Psalm 23:1-3, (ii) wisdom Proverb. 4:1-7 (iii) corrections and reprove Hebrew 12:5-11, (iv) lively and heavenly inheritance etc are all yours with Him with you! Roman 8:17. Psalm 16:5.7.

3. He is the mighty God! Isaiah 9.6.  His presence inspires confidence that you will need in every life’s battle. Luke 9:43, Ephesians 1:19.  Moses parted red sea, David killed Goliath and Job overcame all life billows of troubles. Job 42:10. Psalm 46:1-7, all simply because the Lord was with them. He is the same today

4. He is the Counselor, Comforter and the Wisdom of God. Isaiah 9.6.1 Corinthians 1:23. When God is with you, access to workable counseling is open. Wisdom to win and achieve the best in righteousness is guaranteed. Solomon, Daniel and Paul all profited by this divine presence in their lives! 1 kings 4:29:3. 1 Corinthians 3:10. Today you too can tap from this limitless ocean of grace and, wisdom for outstanding exploit and excellence! John 7:37

5. His name is wonderful. Isaiah 9:6. This implies, with God in you, life can be full of wonders. Acts 3:13-14. Peter and John became a spectacle of wonders as cripples walked and the dead rose to life. His presence in someone’s life means Miracles, Sign and Wonders in alarming fashions and degrees! Acts 19:11-12; 28:3-10. This will be made real in CCBC and in your life this year and decade in Jesus name. 2 Peter 1:3,4.

6.  The implication of these promises is that your life becomes an edifice of God’s glory, whereby every promise of God in His word is proven true and real. Isaiah 25:1.

Just like nations seek to serve God of Abraham. Ruth 1:16. The fulfillment of God’s promises in your life is like a magnet that attracts others to receive salvation, righteousness, and victory in Christ. Isaiah 2:2-3.

7. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, Perfecting holiness in the fear of God. 2 Corinthians 7:1. Everyone who looks forward into shining like Stars on earth and heaven must decide to walk and work worthy of Christ. To such there shall be Crown of life; everlasting peace and joy shall multiply in their lives. Colossians 1:27. AMEN.

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