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Feb 11: Profiting By God's Promises (Part 4)

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Profiting By God’s Promises (Part 4)

It is interesting to know that God’s Promises cover every area of believer’s life; from conception till eternity, birth till old age (Psalm 92:12-15); spiritually and physically (Job 1:8-10); and in whatever we do in as much as we keep His Word, and walk in righteousness. Joshua 1:8; Isaiah 3:10-11; Psalm 1:1-3. It must be noted that God’s promises also extend to the wicked, the evil men, and unrepentant sinner! Because God has also promised that they shall eat the fruit of their doings as well! Isaiah 3:11; Psalm 1:4-6.

Are you saved, righteous, and living daily in the fear of God? If yes, then all the Promises of God in your life are expected to be Yea and Amen (i.e. come to pass) this year. 2 Corinthians 1:20.

God’s Promises: Areas, Examples and Applications

Genesis 17:1-5, 21:5. 1 Kings 8:22-24. Luke 1:67-75.

As earlier written, God’s promises could be unique and peculiarly applicable to individuals. You are to discover yours and strive by faith for its fulfillment in your life. Luke 1:45. Cases are considered as follows:

1. Promise of forgiveness, divine acceptance and salvation to every repentant sinners. Romans 10:9-13. The prodigal son, and Saul who became Paul were good biblical examples. Luke 15:16-24. Acts 9:1-6.

2. Promise to Stand in grace and keep saints from falling! 1 Samuel 2:9.10; Jude 24. Examples: Peter (Luke 22:31-32, John 21:15-21); David (Psalm 124:1-8). Today, God’s grace is available for every challenge. Only trust and rest in God’s Word. Isaiah 26:3-4

3. Promise to help you in whatever circumstances as need arises. As our High Priest, He is an expert Helper. Hebrews 4:14-16. Isaiah 41:10. Examples: Moses in the wilderness (Number 11:11-32); Elijah in time of difficulties and weariness (1 King 19:4-8). When life looks dreary and your strength is failing, call on God for help and renewing strength. Psalm 28:6-9.

4. Promise of protection from danger and every evil work. Isaiah 31:4,5; 54:15-17. Under the canopy of His presence and grace, security is guaranteed. Psalm 91:16. Example: Mordecai (Esther 5:14:6:1-13). Haman fell into the pit he dug for Mordecai! Today, God’s protection over the righteous and faithful is still sure. Romans 8:31.

5. God’s promise of fruitfulness:

Children to the apparent barren. Exodus 23:26, Deuteronomy 7:14

Fruitfulness in grace, maturity and in the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23, Mark 4:20, John 15:16

Fruit of soul winning. Genesis 1;28, John 15:16.

Examples: Hannah 1 Samuel 1:26-28, Elizabeth Luke 1:57-58,

Today, God is faithful to His promise! In this year 2020, to all apparent barren, God shall give doubles in fruitfulness in Jesus Name.

6. Promise of good health, long life, promotion and exploits: Psalm 1:1-3, Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Treasure of abundant blessings is with God. He gives to those who love and obey Him without addition of sorrow to it. Proverbs 10:22. Examples: Solomon. 1 Kings 10:23, Abraham Genesis 13:2. If, in your riches, you love God and serve His purpose, He will definitely surprise you with goodness of life as well. Ephesians 3:20.

7. Promise of counsel, guidance and wisdom to enable you to reach your goal in your marriage, academics, spiritual life, chosen career, businesses etc. Psalm 32:8, 25:12-14. Isaiah 46:9,10.

Example: He guided Joseph from obscurity to light! Genesis 37:5-8, 50:18-20. Daniel and his friends also were favored and guided to eminence. Daniel 2:46-49.

8. Promise of Holy Ghost to all who will separate from sin and thirst for the heavenly fire. Joel 2.32:40. Matthew 5.4. Example: The Apostles at Pentecost were filled to overflowing! Acts 2:1-17.

Today the promise is still true. As you thirst and hunger, you shall be filled to the overflowing too.

8. Promise of new heart, cleansing and sanctification. Ezekiel 36:24-28. John 17:17,18. This experience makes a believer’s life the throne where God sits, rules and reigns. Example: Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-8). Divine revelation, power and authority await the truly sanctified saints.

9. Promise of eternal life and heaven. Revelation 20:6, 22:1-5. To be in heaven is to triumph indeed!    Example: Abraham. Luke 16:23-31. Paul 2 Timothy 4:6-8. The important question is this, will you be in heaven?

There are many other promises of God for us. Search the Scriptures, believe and cleave to His promises for your life. His promises never fail. AMEN.

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