3 min read

TEXTS:  Romans 6:11-14; 12:1-8; Matthew 17:5,6; Romans 12:1-2; Genesis 6:8,22.

MEMORY VERSE: The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and for all manner of work to be made by the hands of artificers. And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord? 1 Chronicles 29:5

Nothing takes the place of preparation in life. Ezra.7:10. It took God five days of serious and avid preparatory work before man was created! Wise and experience farmers also will take time to prepare the face of the earth before casting in the seed. Isaiah 28:24-26. Likewise every seed will take its time to grow and mature before producing fruit. God is a God of principle. He respects and expects due order, decency and excellence in whatever service rendered to Him. 1 Chronicles 15:11-14; 1 Corinthians 14:40. 

The need therefore to surrender, consecrate and dedicate oneself to God service must not be underestimated. God does not value nor accept just any service from anyone. He demands quality and unalloyed service. Malachi 1:6-8. 

The points to consider before Christian services of any kind to God are majorly two. These two areas are very primary to Christian service. 

(a) The person offering the service: Is such saved, abiding in Christ and living in the will of God daily? Matthew 6:9,10; John 15,:1-8.

 (b) The nature and manner of the service rendered: Is it in accordance to His will and purpose? Acts 13:22. Is the service, motive and manner with which offered good, acceptable and perfect in the sight of God? Romans 12:1-2. 

The following conditions are to be well noted for a service to have a rewarding end in Christ. 

  • Citizenship is a major factor in God’s kingdom. To belong to God family, you must be truly born again. John.10:1-9. Those who privily get to the fold without seal of Christ but through some other ways are mere jokers! They are strangers and shall eternally loose out shamefully in the end. Matthew. 22:11-14. You must be saved before you can serve.
  • A life approved and pleasing to God is a prerequisite to useful and acceptable service. 2Timothy.2:19-21. The determining factor and focus of Christian service must be God himself. Exodus.8:1. Why this?  He (God) is the true Rewarder of them that diligently serve Him. Hebrew 6:10-12; 11:6. Human impression and eye service is unrewarding before God. God expects sincere, faithful and honest service out of pure and referential heart. Luke 2:37, Revelation 7:15.
  • Whatever service condemnable before man in whatever manner and quality will be unfit for God. Malachi 1:6-8. A wishy-washy service, lateness, lethargy, inferior offer, complaint, murmuring, deceit and such like are unacceptable to God. Remember every man’s work shall be tested with fire. Some people work will be lost. 1Corinthians 3:13-15.
  • Love and God’s glory must be the basic foundation and motivation for Christian services. 2Corinthians.5:14,15. Genesis.45:1-11. The love is to drive to give one best to God and others in whatever area of service allotted: at home, Church and society. Luke 10:25-37. Mark 10:28-31. Seeking God’s glory in every work and endeavour is very important. However brilliant, outstanding and important your work output is, never share or take the glory for self! Everything belongs to God. 1Corinthian4:6,7.
  • Getting skill and mastery in whatever God has called us to do is very important. 1Samuel 16:16-23. Joseph though a slave and prisoner in Egypt developed himself to become a minister to Pharaoh and a worthy statesman. He was skilful to preserve food products for over a decade! Genesis 41:35-40. As Preachers, Ushers, Choirs, Technical or Admininstrative Personnel etc. strive to acquire skills to fit best at your post.
  • The place of God’s abiding presence and anointing for service must not be substituted or traded for anything else. God’s anointing will guarantee wisdom and power for services. Zachariah 4:6,7.   
  • Prayer and close walk with God will ensure constant flow of grace and unction. Psalm 84:1-4,11-12. Like Bezaleel, God will truly pour His Spirit upon every true seeker whose aim is to live for God, serve and please God, and glorify His name .Exodus 35:30-35.
  • Remember, without faith, no man can please God. Hebrew 11:6-8. Faith links with God to draw strength, confidence, courage and resources to move on. Challenges, trial and sometimes oppositions may arise. 2 Corinthians 6:3-10. Faith and anchor of hope is sure to keep you unmoved and steadfast to the end in the course of service. 1 Corinthians 15:58.    Amen.
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