2 min read

MEMORY VERSE: Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

 Romans 12:12 TEXTS: Isaiah 60:1-3, Exodus 29:1-21.

Nothing could be as pleasant, glorious and rewarding as serving the true and living God. Genesis 18:27. This great privilege has everyone called and justified by Christ. Their obedience and faithfulness in the course of service determine the level of glorification each will experience in Christ. Individual affinity for Christ; yield to God's will and purpose; and the commitment to God service are important factors to consider in enhancing our usefulness, dedication and reward.  Our fitness, availability and capability will determine the capacity of God allotted responsibility to everyone. Matthew 25:20-29.

 CONSECRATION TO GOD'S SERVICE 2 Chronicle 29:31-36; Exodus 28:2-3; Revelation 19:28; 1Peter 2:9.

The word consecration means “to declare something holy or make holy by some procedure”. In the Old Testament, the priesthood (Order of Aaron) and the Levites were consecrated for the purpose of standing before God and for Sanctuary services. Exodus 29:4-9; Number 8:19. Rituals such as washings, sprinkling with blood, clothing (special garment) and many more rites were necessary to fit the Priest and the Levite's for services. Exodus 29:1-9.   Today, Christ is our required ritual, both for redemption and consecration for services. Hebrew 9:11-14. Salvation in Christ gives us double privileges i.e., we are Kings and also Priests! 1Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:6. Through Christ we have right and access to the altar to offer reasonable and acceptable services. Romans 12:1. With this understanding of divine privilege and placement, we must ensure our best is put into Master's service, hence the need for deeper commitment. 

  • God has claim of divine ownership on everyone that is redeemed in Christ Jesus. God had such claim over the Levites in the Old Testament. Number 3:12; Galatians 2:20. Therefore you are a steward to God regarding your life, time, talent and treasures. All must be placed at your Master's altar of service! Romans 12:1-2.
  • Abiding in Christ holiness, purity and obedience to God's word and His will. Isaiah 52:11. John 15:3,8. Strange fire on God's altar of service will attract judgement. Nadab and Abihu case is a warning to everyone today! (See Leviticus 10:1-3.)
  • The fountain of true service to God is the Heart. Proverb 4:23. The heart must be filled with God, His word and His Spirit. Ezekiel 36:22-27. Important aspect of your consecration therefore is to study God word, obey and abide in it. Joshua 1:8. Seek to walk with God and be led by the Spirit in truth all the time. Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:16.
  • Prayer activates the grace and gift of God in believers’ lives. It also quickens the word of God to a lively flame! Revelation 8:3-5. Another big aspect of your consecration in the place of prayers include: worship, praises, thanksgiving, supplications, petitions, intercessions etc. John 4:23,24. 1Timothy 2:1-4.
  • You can't render good services without love.  1Corinthians 13:13. Therefore your consecration first is to love God and love His people. True love is the basis of sacrificial, dedicated and absolute surrender in service. Psalm 18:1; 119:159; 1Corinthians 16:22. 1 Thessalonians 1:3; Ephesians 6:24. Consecration without love will produce illegality and fanaticism. Consecration and consideration must go together. John 8:3-11. The truth must be spoken in love without compromise.  Ephesians 4:13-16.
  • God hates and detests hypocrisy. Job 15:34; Matthew 23:13-29. This was the sole difference between Elisha and Gehazi. Both men had privilege to serve at same providential platform of grace.  While one advanced to honour and prominence, the other got disgrace and demotion. 2 Kings 2:15,16; 5:26,27. To avoid danger at the altar, one must draw near to God with true heart of faith. Hebrew 10:22-24.
  • No one serves God in vain! Malachi 3:13-18. Hebrew 6:10No one serves God and regrets it. Due reward and worthy returns await every service of love. Hebrews 5:10. No matter how challenging and tasking God’s demand of service upon your life, do not grow weary. Jeremiah 20:9. Even though you sow in tears, you will reap bountiful reward at last! Psalm 126:6; 2 Corinthians 4:1,16. Galatians 6:9.   Amen.
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