5 min read

(Moses as a case  study) (Part 2).      

Study 18.  Text: Exodus 3:1-22.

MEMORY VERSE:   Isaiah 6:8 "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."   

  In the last study, we learnt the essence of preparatory period before entering into God appointed calling and ministry.  Novices in God's service are risky as highlighted by Paul in 1Timothy 3:6 KJV. "Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil." From the age of twelve, Jesus demonstrated promising evidence that gave doctors and scribes at the temple surprises. Luke 2:46-47. Yet, he waited till he was thirty years old before declaring "the time is fulfilled". Our youths have a lot to learn on the need to stay under tutelage and guidance as they prepare to venture into that which is perceived to be God's calling for services. This will: 

i. Prevent unnecessary mistakes. 

ii. Enable necessary equipment for the task ahead. i

ii. Consolidate proper understanding of your calling and walk with God. God does not compromise proper preparation in the making of His human instruments. 

I. MOSES CALLING, MINISTRY AND EMPOWERMENT. Exodus 3:1-22; 4:1-31. God's training for Moses in ministry was in two ways:

 i. Real time life encounters as a shepherd man with Jethro. Exodus 3:1. He learnt responsibility, the nature of sheep, patience, caring, matured and gentle handling of the sheep. He equally learnt faithful stewardship under his father in-law employment. 

ii. Spiritual personal encounter with God:  Without confidence, pruned character by heavy unction, confronting Pharaoh and Egyptian forces would have been a perilous mission! God's power upon Moses no doubt subdued forces of darkness to bring about Israel liberation and establishment. Exodus 3:2-4. This is still true today for everyone that God will use as a vessel of honour. The understanding of God's purpose in all your life circumstances, is realising His eyes are watching over you, and His hands upon you are very primer in qualifying you for the task God has for you. 

1. God is the one who needs Moses Service and Commitment. The Calling, Ministry and Task to accomplish belong to God, not Moses: John 15:16. A lot of believers in ministry today have tendency to behave as if they are lords rather than having steward’s mindset! God emphasizes to Moses that the project is His own as in Exodus 3:7-10: "Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.  Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt."  If the project belongs to God, the needed resources, provisions, equipments and success of it must be God's concern and responsibilities! These were proved beyond doubt as Moses stepped into the assignment. Fear, agitations and worries as seen in many believers today are signs of ignorance, unbelief and lack of assurance!  These are not necessary at all. God who called you can support, supply your needs and sustain you in the assignment.1Thessalonians 5:24. 

2. Moses sense of inadequacy in entering into Ministry was a valid indication that he was emptied of self and ready for the Job. See Exodus 3:11 KJV "And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?No cup is filled to running over, unless it is first emptied and lowered for the filling! To ascend, you must learn first to descend. Ephesians 4:8-10.   i. To go far with God, you must learn and possess humble disposition. 1Peter 5:5. ii. No alternative to grace and divine empowerment. Those who seek other ways are simply foolish and deceived. 1Samuel 28:7. 

3. God has Answer to every Question, and Solution to every Problem. Let's look at some of Moses' excuses: i. Who am I to stand before Pharaoh? 3;11. ii. Israel will ask , which God spoke to you?. 3:13. iii. They will not believe me, nor hearken to my voice. 4:1. iv. I am not eloquent, but slow of speech and of a slow tongue.  v. Lord, send somebody else! 4:13.    Yet, God was able to help Moses overcome all his seemly challenges!  What are your own fears, excuses and challenges today? God that help Moses is still on the throne. He has the answer and will help you subdue every mountain whatsoever. 

4. Evading God's Call on your Life is not Humility at all .God will rather view it as Affront, Irresponsible and Nonchalant Attitude! Look at God's response to Moses evasive attitude in Exodus 4:13-14 KJV "And he said, O my Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou wilt send. [14] And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses,..."  Inspite of God's support, answers and solutions to constraints tendered, Moses still expressed doubtful disposition and hesitations. How many of God's children display such attitude in ministry and God's service today as noticeable below? i. Murmuring and complaints among Christian workers who instead of joyful service and grateful spirit. ii. Outright disobedience to known God's instructions or leaders' advice. iii. Living in selfwill instead of doing God's will. The need to be warned and careful is clearly portrayed in God's anger towards Moses attitude! 

5. God's Revelations and Details Blue Prints for Success in Ministry or whatever Assignment He gives you will unfold when you are Willing and Ready to obey the Lord fully. (see Exodus 3:18-22). Moses proved his readiness to obey God by declaring to Jethro: "Let me go, I pray thee, and return unto my brethren which are in Egypt, and see whether they be yet alive. And Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace." Exodus 4:18 KJV.  What a ready mind he has now! i. From this moment, God began to speak to Moses clearly and precisely in respect to every detail that will enhance fruitfulness in his calling. God wants to do so to you today. see Exodus 4:19-22.  ii. Through divine grace, past negligences were mended in Moses life, as seen in careless handling of his children circumcision! He had definitely spoken about it to Zipporah, but failed to do the needful about it. Exodus 4:24-26.  No sin will find hiding place in your life when you walk before God with ready mind. God’s presence and grace stimulate holiness. 

6. No One can say No, when God says Yes! See Exodus 4:27-31.  As God had said, Aaron responded to serve God purpose with Moses without excuses: Note: i. You are not in CCBC commission by accident. God brought you because you have contributions to make. Strive to know your ministry and fulfil it. For example, God can use one person to teach, and another to interpret into other languages. Both are rendering great services without which works of grace are not perfected. No one is valueless in God's business. Your seemly little contributions can make a great difference. ii. "And the people believed: and when they heard that the Lord had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped." Exodus 4:31.  What a total contradiction to Moses expectations who first felt no one would believe him? Learn to act in faith in whatever God tells you to do. The result will be very surprising and glorious! 

7. The Stage is finally set for Exploits! Moses will soon become a great Instrument of Salvation, Deliverance and Revival! Exodus 5:1. Our current case in Nigeria and globally calls for men like Moses and Isaiah, women like Deborah and Esther. The eyes of the Lord run to and fro, looking and seeking for whosoever is willing and ready to rid the world of sins and satanic oppression.    The Lord is waiting for you, He will do wonders with your life as you surrender all to Him. Isaiah 6:8. Amen.   HYMN: I SURRENDER ALL

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