3 min read


Text: 1 Corinthians 12:28-31 

Memory Verse: But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way".  - 1 Corinthians 12:31.       

Excellence requires no argument or debate to prove it. Men can only wonder in amazement at its attainment and possibility. This was the experience of Christ in teaching and dealings. Mark 1:31-38. However wonderful our achievement, success and exploit, it must be borne in mind that being one in purpose and pursuits with God in his creation and plan, is the most important issue. Nebuchadnezzar attain great excellence in power and glory (Daniel 4:40-31).  He saw it as his making. He refused to give God the glory, and to channel the enlargement towards the benefits of mankind. With excellence come dangers! Men will flirt, self will pomp, and pride may set in! Then, the fall! It is needful therefore to consider, "a more excellent way", to keep above board in pursuit, attainment and growing with excellence.      

  "LOVE, A MORE EXCELLENT WAY".    1Corinthians 13:1-13; 1John 4:16-21. 

 It is quite amazing, how God perfectly sustain the world he created, to remain; durable, coherent and fulfilling ever since! The secret is rooted in ONE PROFOUND ATTRIBUTE of God that propel,  govern, and direct all His purpose, plan, work and ways. It is God’s never-failing-formula. Paul Apostle call it "CHARITY", the  "agape love",  "a more excellent way". 

1. Love is the bedrock of true excellence! 1Corinthians 13:1-3. Whatever is not done in love, however great, powerful and outstanding is nothing in God’s sight. The most excellent God, gave the beautiful world (the earth, the sun, the streams, plants, animals etc.) out of love. He gave his only begotten Son out of love. Salvation, righteousness, peace and joy in Holy Spirit are given out of love. Eternal life, heavenly mansions etc are all on the reason of love. God is love and everyone that has ever heeded the call to know God must uphold love as the basis of all endeavours.

 2. God love is  evident by what it does, the benefits it gives and importantly, the goodness,  pure motives behind it and the outcome of His operations.  True excellence must therefore bear the mark of love as considered below: 1Corinthians 13:-8.

 a. It is not self projection, showy or evil intended. Love seeks to establish God’s order for the good of others. TRUE LOVE IS EVIDENCED BY HUMILITY as with Joseph in Genesis 45:7-11.

 b. It endured long enough to achieve the expected result. 1Corinthians 13:4. Thomas Edison long-suffered as to unravel the mystery behind the incandescent lamp. Against human ridicule, doubts and unbelief he achieved excellent result. Also, Moses endured long enough to bring Israel out to be ready for the land of Canaan.

 c. Love is pure! Envy, vaunting and puffing are far from it. "Excellence knows no rivals". It concentrates to attain its goals without giving in to distractions. God’s purpose is all that matters. 

d. Love is consistent, steadfast in principle and standard. No self interest or evil inclinations. 1Corinthians 13:6.    Christ was not dissuaded as far as the matter of the cross is concerned. The pains, the thorns were never part of the determining factor, but the will of the father. Excellence, against all odds will pursue to win the crown. 

e. Love hates sin (falsehood), but rejoices in truth. 1Corinthians 13:6. Error will lead to nowhere! To attain and retain excellence, follow after righteousness. Truth and righteous doing often pave way for freedom, promotion and unction. Hebrew 1:9. 

f. Love believes, hope and patiently follow through to victory! 1Corinthians 13:7. Ruth is an embodiment of excellence. Her faith, hope and endurance position her to become the great Matriarch of our Lord Jesus. She is our example to follow in our quest for excellence. This love will make you go extra mile to sacrifice, work hard in your area of endeavour for the benefit of all!

 g. Love never fails!  Love is the unbroken cord woven and secured by the Triune God! Ecclesiastes 4:12. When lost, all is lost. Remember, God is love. Do you seek who to trust, lean on or hold for excellent outcome? God, His love in you, as well as in other children of God is the sure way. We must seek it, pray for it to be shed abroad in our heart through the Holy Ghost. Romans 5:5. 

Finally, whatever brightness, wisdom, power, gifts or glory is geared towards evil as against God’s good purpose must be avoided.  True excellence is love, godliness, humility and righteousness. The results are: better relationship,  better home, better Church and better society! Amen.

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