3 min read


  Texts: Job 37:23; Philippians 1:10.

 Memory Verse: "Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm".  - Daniel 6:3       

"The excellent spirit makes you live a life of outstanding, splendid and surpassing quality in thought, word and performance. It is a display of God-factor in you such as:  Purity, righteousness, love, knowledge, wisdom and conduct as expressed in Daniel life".    The very fact that man was made in the image of God cannot be overstressed!  Acknowledging, upholding and applying this truth can greatly revolutionize the thinking of a child of God, to drop the cloak of mediocrity, and to strife to attain excellence in this life. This awareness was the differential factor in the life of Daniel. 


(a) Daniel knew and experienced God personally as the source of excellence. Daniel 2:20. 

(b) Daniel believed in possibility of excellence and exploits through faith and active effort. Daniel 1:11-17. 

(c) Daniel practiced what he believes, and achieved outstanding, excellent outcome. Daniel 6:3.   

THE POSSIBILITY AND PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE.  2 Corinthians 3:16-18.  "The Lord is that Spirit" - Isaiah 11:1-3. 

Anyone with connectivity and access to the Spirit of Christ has liberty, potential, power and resources to excel in faith, as well as in their chosen line of endeavours, both spiritually and physically. To actualize the your pursuit of excellence, the following must be noted: 

1. The seemingly weak, flaccid and incompetence that many believers portray today are never a true Kingdom identity! It belongs to the fallen world which must be put behind every saved soul. 2 Corinthians 5:17. Repentance and redemption are to regenerate, renew and reposition a child of God for excellent thinking, principle and performance. Why? This is because excellence is God’s nature! The universe as a whole testifies to this truth. (See. Psalm 19:1-3). 

2. Ignorance, wrong influence, bad principles and erroneous beliefs had been the bane of many. Hosea 4:6.  Truth and enlightenment are necessary to remove the veils. Therefore to excel you must: (a) Hate mediocrity utterly and determine to soar to excellence. (b) study to get helpful information. 2 Timothy 2:15 (c) Learn  new profitable things for self improvement. (d) Take step to apply and practice to acquire mastery in such area of your interest e.g. academics, ministry, housekeeping, leadership, secular job, etc. 

3. Realise and exploit your God given resources: Psalm 139:14-18.    At creation man was made, set and customized, for excellence and glory. The following are given with your outstanding profitability in mind: 

(a) Life (your spirit inner man)! John 32:8. This is the foremost gift and equipment for excellence. It enables you to access God and access the world around you, to take the best and give the best to it. Yet, it is time bound! You need not waste your time and opportunities.

 (b) Brain (mind)! This equips you with intellectual and intelligence capacity with might.       Neglect it, and remain a footstool among men!  Build and sharpen it to become amazing wonder to men! You must study, think positively and task your brain for it to deliver excellence. 

(c) Body! This is a great equipment God has given you for exploit and dominion on Earth. It makes man enviable to the Angels. It is the weapon of occupation here on Earth! Build it, care for it, train and discipline it, to tap the best benefits from it. It is your most needed machinery for existence and achievement of excellence on earth.    Laziness, indulgence, drug abuse, and unmindful usage will paralyse your body. So, beware! Care for your body and maintain it! 

4. Be sensitive to your environment! 1 Samuel 3:1-4.    Many a people advance excellently by tapping into the opportunities that their environment provides and avoiding its ills. Joseph and Samuel were sensible at mastering their environment for the best. Take cognisance of this especially in our present information age. Countless opportunities and hazards abound in the physical and virtual (online) space. Watch to take advantage and shun the temptations. Remember Gehazi! 2 King 5:25-27. 

5. Build character and winning attitude for good relationship. Ruth 2:11-14. Relationship matters! Yet the bedrock of good relationship is character. Excellent skill and good interpersonal relationship will attract favour, connections, customers and promotion in all respects. To lack it, is to trade away great destiny!  Your home, business and Church will experience and attain progress when winning attitudes and sound character govern your relationship. 

6. Build a donating (giving) mindset. Luke 6:38. Acts 20:35. Excellent people are not obsessed with selfish advantage. Rather they focus on contribution to others’ lives. God’s spirit of excellence is portrayed by what He gives. For instance: He gave the world at creation for man to enjoy, He gave His son for man's redemption! To pursue excellence, give: +Excellent example in conduct as becoming saints. Hebrew 7:26 +Excellent service to God and mankind. Hebrew 8:6 +Excellent sacrifice aiming for the best. Hebrew 11:4. 

7. Excellence requires WISDOM, patience, diligence  and persistent effort. Proverbs 4:18. 22:29. Nothing excellent comes cheap! It is rare to find gold and costly pearls on the earth surface, you must dig for it! To shine, you must prepare to burn. The gains that will attend excellence will worth the effort.  Honour, success, joy, blessings unfathomed, will attend your way. As student, Pastor, employee, business owner, parent etc., God is calling all to pursue and attain excellence to His glory. Amen.

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