2 min read

Satan and Depression: The Enemies of Man’s Best.

Job 1:6-22, Isaiah 42:1-4, Job 13:14-16, Psalm 77:7-10  

Depression had been a strong weapon in the hand of man’s adversary to weaken, demoralize, slow down and if possible to cripple progress, halt success and to destroy passion for exploit in righteousness in the life of the saints. The response of Satan to the satisfaction and pleasure of God over Job exploit of righteousness has a lot to teach believers.  Job 1:9-11 He refused to accept that Job’s love and fear of God were genuine.  He was envious of the helpful providential conditions that facilitated his exploits.  He was jealous of his success, prosperity and blessings and he planned ways to truncate it as well.  This is still true today that Satan can never wish you well if you are on the side of God. In today study, we will examine few among many cases where strong oppression had been launched against the success of the righteous cause of the people of God. 

  • Adam and Eve: Genesis 3:6-8: The first family enjoyed authority, dominion, prosperity and every good thing man could desire.  Potentially for them, the future was great! Satan caused and sold seed of lies to undermine, intimidate and depress their mind and thought!  The result was low self image, negative thinking, bad choice, wrong decision and bad outcome.  Satan used lies and distorted fact to deceive and distract them from right standing and positioning from God and excellence.  Beware! 1Peter 5:3
  • The Lot’s family: Genesis 13:7-12, 19:17-26: Depression removed confidence from God replacing it with human short-sighted wits.  Lot’s heart was so easily deceived, placing emphasis on sight-proof than faith-proof mannerism.  Both in his choice for Sodom and in refusing to escape to the mountain as commanded by the Angel, he failed to demonstrate sound faith and higher standard expected of him.  Consequentially, he lost his wife and made unnecessary journey to Zoar.  That left his life open to further attack resulting to the sin of incest with his daughters.
  • Cain: Genesis 4:1-14: David won the heart and affection of God in that every time Saul failed he gave all within his power to help the situation without rival or prejudice. I Samuel 16:23, 24:6-22.  Cain case was different! Low self-esteem, degenerated sense of modesty, envy, rivalry and failure to see possibilities and change coming in the future prompted him to some callous and ignoble thought and actions that saw Abel hated and murdered.  The mind is the battle ground and must be guarded.   A revived, lifted and upright heart is positive, but depressed and discouraged heart is filled with negative thoughts and tendencies.  Beware!  Joshua 1:6,7.
  • Esau: Genesis 25:24-34 Hebrew 12:16,17: Esau’s sense of thinking seemed to be very distorted.  He lacked consciousness of God. Esau lacked divine covenant and the very understanding of God’s ways.  He suffered a depression syndrome that made him undermine values and nobility.  Birth right is everything to Jacob!  He objectively lauded and appreciated it with perfect crave.  It should be understood that Jacob and Esau were twins, both of them before birth had equal chance to the firstborn right.  The one who had it by providence despised it due to darkened heart and untamed appetite.  Today, Satan will do everything to keep human mind in darkness regarding excellence and beauty of God’s grace.  He wants to deceive and influence those who are called to golden life of grace to despise and undermine it by the forces of lust and fierce trials.

As wise followers of Christ, our mind must be open to instruction of wisdom to resist the devil with every force as done by Job. (Job 13:14-16).

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