2 min read
April 20 | VICTORY OVER DEPRESSION – STUDY I: Man Best, God’s Boast!

Job 1:1-8. Isaiah 14:21-4. Hebrew 8:9-12            

 No situation in heaven and on earth can depress, weary or weaken God! He is always abreast of every situation with proactive measures to bring the best out no matter and however the case may be!             

God boasts and rejoices whenever He sees man demonstrating dominion, authority and supremacy over situation, circumstances and challenges of life.  This is part of the image He intends mankind to share as the most high God, who has everything under His feet and under His control.             

In Job chapter one above, we see God’s boast and enthusiasm over the life of Job as he stood victorious in every sphere of life i.e. spiritually connected with God, morally and character wise blameless and also physically whole and prosperous regarding: family, finance, socially functional and successful in every aspect of human endeavours Job 1:1.             

Job life seems to be a model of what God had expected in Adam and did not waste time to sing praise it at the hearing of Satan to show the futility of his attempt over mankind! That in spite of the fall, there is a rising as witness in Job life. (Today I decree whatever has fallen in your life, there is a rising coming your way now in Jesus name.       

Therefore, there is a need for you to know and work on the following truth.  John 8:32 - 34. 

  • God at creation put into man the seed of dominion, triumph and power to reign in life. Although sin had made it passive, Christ and knowledge of your position in Him would activate and bring you to true uplifted position Galatians 3:13, 4; Colossians 2:13-15.
  • God wants and looks forward for your best and superlative excellence all the time and in everything.  The low self image and the feeling of weaknesses, never doing well and failure is an insult to God.  He wants your best and you can be and give the best Genesis 39:2,3,23 Psalm 1:3
  • True dominion is not just in being rich or wealthy.  It entails: right relation and peace with God, godly fruit of righteousness in living, in character and being prosperous and reigning over every situation.
  • That Satan is being put under your feet is enough reason why you can be on top of your challenges
  • Reinforce yourself with knowledge that life comes with different side. (12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness).  Both are for man Good! Work at day and rest your faith in God at night, whenever it seems not much can be done.  Wait in faith for the wonders to come as God rolls in to reverse the humanly irreversible.
  • Get along with Christ consistently without break.  He holds the key to every door.  He commands the peace ever every storm.  His counsel is the wisdom that brings the victory to every war! Mark 4:39.
  • Praise God in every situation and rejoice in Him.  Every child of God is a winner since the victory has been won ever before the battle started.  In Christ you are more than conquerors both in life and in death!  Depression, discouragement and failure should be out of daily experience of a well informed child of God.  Therefore, raise your head in victory everyday! (2Cor. 4:6-10, 16-18).
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