2 min read

 Texts: Isaiah 6:8; 2Kings 7:1-9; Matthew 9:35, Luke 9:3-6. 

Redemption of souls was solely God’s idea which necessitated Jesus coming into the world. He came; He pursued it, even to the cross of Calvary! Christ left no stone unturned, to save the perishing souls. Today, we are the members of His body, saved, sanctified and commissioned to bear witness to the world. Luke 19:10 "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost". Acts  1:8  "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth".   Personal Evangelism, Every Believer’s Urgent Task. 1Corinthians 9:16; 2Kings7:1-9. 1. The life of Paul: His conversion, commission, consecration and wholehearted commitment to the preaching of the gospel echoed throughout his epistles to all generations after him!  1Timothy 1:12-16. To Paul, as it should equally be to us, the gospel is the only life assignment that should consume our time, passion, resources and energy. It worth every effort and nothing counts without it! 2. Christ demand personal responsibility, personal involvement, personal initiative from every saved soul to share the gospel. As seen in the three Lepers in 2Kings 7:1-9, the fate and destinies of entire Nation of Israel, fulfilments of God's purposes, prophecies and salvations, were all dependent on their persuasions, decision and obedience! Your personal, voluntary and absolute surrender to preaching the gospel can mean so much to fulfilling God’s desires over today's world and coming generations! Psalm 22:30. 3. To disobey call to personal evangelism is to express disrespect, disloyalty and disbelief towards the Lordship of Christ!  In Luke  6:46, the Lord said,  "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?". It is a direct rebellion and proof that we love not the Lord nor the perishing souls around us. God’s love should constraint us to reach out to sinners with the good news of salvation! Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:15. 4. Personal evangelism is one of the most effective soul winning tools. Sometimes, it can be: "one to one" or "one to many" as exemplified by the Lord in John 4:6-7, 13, 14, 28-30, 39-42. (a) It can be done anywhere at any time. (b) It can be done at no financial cost. (c) Attention is secured without distractions. (d) Genuine decision and salvation can be better guaranteed. (e) Religious bigots are better reached and attended to. (f) The high and noble in the society are easily reached and won to Christ, this way. Acts 8:26-39. 5. Restoration of backslider, discipleship and maturity of believer are better aided by personal and one to one approach. Philemon. 1:9-16. It enables deeper Christ formation over converts to bring forth future faith giants. Note: Barnabas personal attention to Paul brought encouragement and accelerated growth to prepare him for a rugged future ministry. Acts 11:25,26. Elijah's personal touch laid the foundation for double unction and exploits in Elisha's ministry as well 1Kings 19:19. 6. Exponential growth and great expansion is undoubtedly the outcome of any Church, where personal evangelism is everyone’s task Acts 8:4-8. The old members and new converts altogether must be well motivated, trained to practically engage in daily soul winning with passion! Isaiah 8:18. 7. God’s Kingdom expansion and dominion hinge majorly on obedience to God's command to evangelise! Miracles, signs and wonder will follow as saints in Christ give serious attention to witnessing! May God give you the grace to give your best to win and disciple souls. Mark 16:15-20.

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