1 min read
Exit of A God's General

On behalf of the General Overseer, the Council of Elders, the Pastors and entire members of Christ Companion Bible Outreaches Worldwide (CCBOW), I hereby announce the call to glory of a God's General, Rev. Olusegun Olasunkanmi Tubi, popular known as Daddy Tubi.

Apostle Paul said, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. -2 Timothy 4:7-8.

Above scripture is echoed through the life of this great christian faith crusader.

Our Daddy Tubi has fought a good fight of faith and left battons to many solders to carry on God's mandate: to Reach, to Preach and Teach all nations, tribes and tongues the gospel of Christ Jesus.

The church hereby registers her condolences to the entire Tubi's family and host of Christian family that the life of Daddy Tubi has touched directly or indirectly.

While awaiting the burial arrangements from the family and the church, we encourage all to register their condolences and memories through the link below. (You will need to enter the forum zone with an email where a code will be sent to authenticate you).


A physical register has been opened at the Daddy Tubi's residence at Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.

May the Lord grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss even as the church seeks solace in Christ.

God bless CCBC.

God bless you all.


Pastor Joseph Temitope Oluwasina

The Church Secretary, and Secretary to the CCBOW Board of Trustees

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