3 min read

 *About COVID-19*
1. COVID-19 is a variant type of CoronaVirus that is currently ravaging the world (that is, it is pandemic). It has its origin from Wuhan, China and Europe.
2. The virus is highly contagious via droplets from infected person.
3. The virus is *NOT* airborne meaning it is not carried by air nor does it infect persons through inhaled air. However, droplets from cough of infected person can infect others.
4. Nigeria has recorded over 12 positively tested persons with COVID-19 with 1 death recorded as at March 18. I
6. Over 1300 people are known to have had contact with these 12 persons and the number still counting.
7. The federal and some state governments have announced bans or restrictions to any gathering above 50 people including religious gatherings.
8. Schools have been shut down. And more more restrictions / measures will be announced by the government in the coming days.

 *Precautionary Measures Against Spread of COVID-19 (CoronaVirus) by CCBC.* 
1. All CCBC branches should ensure purchase of wash basin with liquid soap to be stationed to the Entrance of the Church. 

2. A running water for Hand-washing with liquid soap should be stationed at the church Entrance.

3. Each congregant must wash his/her before and after exiting the church auditorium.

4. The first worker/usher opening the church must ensure the Hand-washing facility is stationed before allowing members to enter.

5.  Hand sanitizer must be made available inside the church for use by those handling instruments (mics, generators, musical instruments etc). This is not just an alternative to Hand-washing but to complement it.

6. All offerings and tithes are to be dropped in the offering bags and left in the offering bag over night (at least 12hours) before touching for counting. 

7. Handshaking, hugging or joining hands together to pray in the church must be avoided.

8. Ushers and workers sweeping church floor and cleaning chairs must wear face masks but need to wash hands with soap after such cleaning exercise, even aside washing at the entrance to the church.

9. All members having fever or cough are to be reported to the Pastor who will relay such message to Pastor Lanre Ajayi (08034496236) by direct call or SMS.

10. While we continue to pray for Divine Protection at this time in the World, we implore ALL MEMBERS/CONGREGANTS to be faithful and truthful in adhering strictly to these precautionary measures.

God bless CCBOW. God Bless, Protect and Preserve all CCBC Members in Jesus name. Amen!

Pastor Vincent Olufemi Jayeoba

General Overseer


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