1 min read
03 Jul


Dearly beloved,

The Lord is building a global church: a church without borders.

You have been selected to be part of and active in this new church platform, and to impart and be imparted.

Hence, we would like you to join the CCBOW DIASPORA platform.

We would be holding arrays of inspiring and fascinating programs to keep the spirit, soul and body aligned with heavenly goals. We want you to remain in the assembly of the brethren.

You will greatly be used. Bible says in Romans 12:1, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 

May you fulfil your destiny and impart your generation positively as you join this platform.

Arise, the church of Christ doth wait for you

From your companion in Christ,

Pastor Isaac Ajayi

(Administrative Coordinator)

For: Christ Companion Bible Outreaches Worldwide (CCBOW). 

Reg No: CAC/IT/118818

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